
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 14 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Assignment 18 Contact Section (1)
Assignment 18 Contact Section (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
A colored container shape (background) that is 1280 pixels wide in a color/texture that ties it into the rest of the one-page site design
threshold: pts
1 pts
Tinted input boxes for inputting data. An obvious SUBMIT button at the bottom. Subtle form. Ties into design. Tinted boxes. No heavy frames or bright boxes. Balanced and aligned.
threshold: pts
3 pts
section heading: CONTACT or something similar (Contact Me, Get in Touch)
threshold: pts
1 pts
A sentence of encouragement to contact under the Contact heading
threshold: pts
1 pts
Copyright information for the site at the very bottom
threshold: pts
1 pts
Design: Demonstrates... proximity principle, negative space, simplicity, balance.
threshold: pts
3 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10