GD72: Principles of Screen Design: Section 5296: Thornley K

Welcome to GD72!




GD72: Principles of Screen Design starts on Monday 3/26! 
This is a 16-week schedule compressed into 8 weeks. We will cover the same content but some assignments may be simplified to allow completion in a shorter timeframe. 

So what is this course about?!

Just a few simple design principles can make such a difference to the look and function of a web site or interactive screen design. During this 17-week online course we will explore a variety of design techniques that can be used to create effective and attractive designs for different types of devices. Topics include: planning and preparation, principles of design, fine art techniques, typography, color theory and use, graphics and imagery, navigation and interface development, and responsive and mobile design.

You will evaluate and critique existing designs and then apply what you learn to your own assignments and projects. Since this is an online class, there is a strong emphasis on participation, including sharing and discussing design examples, and offering design feedback to fellow students.

Weekly assignments are used to build larger projects. 

Be sure to sign up for this class now! 

Already registered?

Check back here on the first day of class. Click on the MODULES link in the left sidebar to get started. (Click on the hamburger icon at the top left if you can't see a Modules link in the left sidebar.) You should read the Syllabus (at the top) first. Then move on to the Week 1 Module to read/watch the Week 1 lecture and complete the assignments.


If you have questions, please email me, Kathy Thornley: Put GD72 in the subject line.