Project 1: Mudcat project assets and files
Project 1: Mudcat Blues Assets
(Required Text and Photo Selections) Links to an external site.
Please use this dropbox link to access the files for this project. You will find a variety of photos and CD covers to choose from.
Required Text for Project:
There is a text file (rich text format) with the required text for this project. You should use all of the following content. No additions or deletions! All of this text needs to appear on the home page design!
Here is a direct link to that: S17RequiredTextforMudcat.rtf Download S17RequiredTextforMudcat.rtf
or you can copy/paste the blue text below...
Required text for Project 1: Mudcat Home Page Redesign
Logo (designed by you): Mudcat
Heading or tagline: American Roots Music
Text paragraph:
Danny ‘Mudcat’ Dudeck is an internationally known gospel and bluesman. Mudcat continues the traditions of the early blues pioneers while adding his own Mudcat edge, resulting in one of Atlanta’s greatest treasures. He regularly performs his Bayou-baked chicken-party revues at Atlanta’s premier blues club, Northside Tavern.
Quotes (Pick ONE of these three):
“Kept me on my feet -- I just couldn't sit down.”
“Great songwriter. Great lyrics. Good energy.”
“A devilishly spontaneous ragtime blues band.”