Project 1 (Mudcat Redesign) Information Sheet (50 Points)

 Mudcat Landing Page Redesign using Photoshop (or equivalent)


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Due Date:

The complete project is due at the end of Module 7/8. 

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For this project you will be redesigning the home (landing) page of the Mudcat Blues Band. The project will follow a typical designer's process: a critique of the existing site, a site flowchart, a creative brief, a moodboard, wireframing/sketching, researching Wordpress themes, and finally the redesign using a WordPress theme as a inspiration for the new layout. The module assignments will help you build your final redesign.

Your "redesign" should clearly demonstrate the design principles covered in the lectures: contrast and alignment (CARP). It must be the pixel width:  1280x1024.

Here is the home page for the band.


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Sample Projects:

Here are a couple of finished projects:

Mudcat Example #1 

Mudcat Example #2

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Please read the following project requirements very carefully:

  • Design: Demonstrate the Design Principles: Contrast and Alignment.

  • Dimensions: Use the pixel dimensions: 1280 x1024

  • Format: Develop your layout in the layered Photoshop document (it is also ok to use InDesign or Illustrator provided your document has the correct pixel width and is saved as a jpeg). Then save the final "rearrangement" as a jpeg image (keep the original Photoshop document too!). Upload the jpeg image to the link provided.

  • Band logo: You should redesign the Mudcat logo (redesigning it might be easier than working with the original). Remember to use some kind of contrast to make it stand out!

  • Type/text: The text for the Mudcat page is provided in the Project 1 (Text, photos and other assets) Page. You have to work with that text but have the freedom to add additional text if you want. You CAN realign, resize and change the font, color and other attributes of any type in the layout.

  • Navigation/interface: During our weeks on navigation/interface, you will brainstorm navigation for this site and come up with appropriate labels and navigation design. Your interface should make the content easy to access and find.

  • Photos: You should use at least ONE photo on the landing page. You can use more! Photos are provided in the dropbox link on the Project 1 (Text, photos and other assets) Page. You can also find your own. Just make sure the resolution is high enough to look good on a monitor.

  • Other graphic elements: Use rules or shapes to create a theme that unifies the design.

  • Background/colors: You can select a new color palette for the entire design provided it's appropriate to the topic. The Moodboard assignment should help you with this. Make sure that your type is readable against the background

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    You will follow these steps:

    1. Background research. Look at the existing Mudcat site and also at other blues band sites to get inspiration. 
    2. Develop a moodboard (Assignment 4)
    3. Assess the design/interface of the existing Mudcat site and develop essential questions you'd ask Mudcat during an imaginary client interview.
    4. Assess the navigation menu/labels and develop a new site navigation structure 
    5. Locate a WordPress page template that would be appropriate to use for a new Mudcat site.
    6. Develop the design using two key design principles:
      For CONTRAST: select an element (Logo or photo or perhaps the two combined) to use as your focal point. Make it contrast with everything else. Also use contrast for emphasis in type.
      For ALIGNMENT: use the guidelines in Photoshop (drag from the top and side rulers) to set alignment edges to arrange your elements along. No element should be centered or "floating" on the page. Don't forget vertical alignment too -- elements at the top or bottom should share the same top/bottom margin.

    7. Develop preliminary and rough design ideas for the redesign.

    8. Upload your final redesign jpeg to Canvas by the due date (to be provided).

    9. Final thoughts: Keep it simple! Pay attention to the design principles. Make sure you demonstrate them clearly!

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    Old Project Samples:

    Here is an example of redesigns from previous semesters (please note the original site is different from this semester):

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    Here are some links to blues band web sites if you want some inspiration (these are not necessarily great designs!):

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    This project is worth 50 points for the final design + extra points for each component (assignment)