Course Syllabus

KINES 92 – Pilates Reformer Instructor Training
Section 5203 - Course Syllabus

Course Description

Students will learn to safely and effectively instruct Pilates Reformer exercises using Pilates principles for all skill levels and accommodations for various health conditions.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Identify and instruct the Pilates Reformer repertoire of exercises with the ability to modify and adapt for a wide range of abilities and health conditions.
2. Design and demonstrate a multi-level Pilates Reformer group class and personalized one-on-one session using safe and effective instruction skills, tools, and techniques.


At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Describe the principles, goals, and health benefits of Pilates Reformer instruction.
2. Identify and demonstrate the safe and proper use of the Pilates Reformer parts and ancillary equipment.
3. Demonstrate the components of a Pilates Reformer class.
4. Design and instruct Pilates Reformer exercises using safe and effective teaching skills and principles to address a wide variety of abilities in a balanced formatted class.
More info on COR (Course Outline of Record)

Link to full course outline for Kines 92


Please note the following requirements for attendance and completion of the SRJC Comprehensive Pilates Certificate Program. Note the hours requirement are established to meet the mandatory training hours requirement by the NPCP to sit for the Comprehensive Pilates Instructor Exam:

  1. The SRJC Comprehensive Pilates Certificate Program requires 90% attendance in all courses in the program.
  2. Students that miss more than 10% of the class hours (total for this class is 52.5) will be dropped from the class. 
    • It is suggested that the student withdraw from the course and re-schedule their attendance to a date in the future that may be more suited to their availability to attend classes.
  3. Absences require notification to the instructor PRIOR to the missed class. 
  4. Please note that instructors are not required, as it may not be feasible, to provide make up assignments for missed content and instructional class time. 

Instructor Contact

Tara Jacobson


*I respond to emails within 24 hours.

Office Hours: In person, zoom, or phone appointments available please email to schedule. I am happy to work with your schedule and we are not limited to the hours scheduled below. 

Petaluma Campus Office Hours PC806: MW 12-1:15pm

Remote Office Hours: TTH 12-1:15pm

Office Location: PC806 

Phone: 707-778-4116

In person, zoom, or phone appointments available please email to schedule. 

Carrie Stillman


*I usually respond to emails within 24 hours, M-F. 

Office hours: Fridays by appointment on zoom or phone. Please email to schedule.

Phone:  707-486-7259

As a student, I sometimes thought attending office hours was burdensome to my instructor or I was bothering them—please know this is not the case!  Our passion for teaching is grounded in being there to help students even with a small question, possibly linking you to a helpful resource, or helping you fulfill your goals and dreams. We can meet in person, by phone, or zoom. 

Required Textbooks

Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology. Links to an external site. 2nd ed. Pilates, Joseph H. Pilates Method Alliance, Inc., 2012. 
ISBN: 0976823209
Return to Life Book by Joseph Pilates
Pilates Links to an external site.. 3rd Edition. Author: Rael Isacowitz. Publisher: Human Kinetics, 2023
ISBN: 9781492598862
Pilates Rael Isacowitz Text 3rd Edition'

National Pilates Certification Exam: Study Guide  Links to an external site.- a broad review of the NPCP Comprehensive Exam content, the Code of Ethics, Scope of Practice, special populations, contraindications, exercises including depictions as will be referred to in the exam, and some history for context.  Guía de Estudio en Español Links to an external site.

Links to an external site.ISBN: 979-8547203725

National Pilates Certification Exam Study Guide


Balanced Body Pilates Guides- Mat ManualLinks to an external site.
Please make sure to select the "Reformer" Manual! 

Reformer Manual Balanced Body


Optional Textbooks (for Comprehensive Certificate):

Pilates Anatomy Links to an external site.. 2nd Edition. Authors: Rael Isacowitz and Karen Clippinger.  Human Kinetics, 2020. 

ISBN: 9781492567707

Pilates anatomy text

National Pilates Certification Exam: Practice Questions Links to an external site. - 60 questions that resemble the multiple choice format, language, and subject matter, reflective of the Exam Content Outline. These 60 questions are different from those on the Online Practice Exam. Preguntas Prácticas en Español Links to an external site.

NPCE Practice Questions book

Online Practice Exam Links to an external site. - an online experience that mirrors the NPCP Comprehensive Exam format. 60 questions reflecting the domains identified in the Exam Content Outline.

You can locate and order textbooks online via the SRJC Bookstore Links to an external site.. Note that if you want to pick your books up in Petaluma, you need to order them from the Petaluma Bookstore website.

Required Materials

These materials are required at all meetings:

  1. Dress in comfortable exercise attire. Bring layers needed for comfort during movement and stillness.
  2. Pilates mat
  3. Non-slip Pilates grip socks
  4. Course textbooks
  5. Note-taking tools of your choice (paper-pen, wireless Notepad devices, laptops)

Dropping the Class

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, for several consecutive, unexplained absences, the instructor may drop a student.

Instructor Announcements

The instructor will post announcements on the “Instructor Announcements” page in Canvas throughout the semester. Canvas notifies students according to their preferred Notification Preferences as soon as the instructor creates an Announcement.

Use and save this link to log into the online class:
Use your SRJC portal ID and passcode. 

In order the check your notification settings; please click on ‘Account’ in the upper left hand corner when you are logged into canvas, then click on ‘notifications’.  If you are logged into canvas this link should take you straight to the page:

We highly recommend that you update your user settings to make sure that you receive the following right away (Click the check mark – notify me right away) for:

1) Announcement: this is how we will communicate with the entire class 
2) Submission comment: this is how we will give you personal feedback on your assignments 
3) Conversation message: this is where we send students private messages through Canvas 

Feel free to change the settings on any others based on your personal preferences. 


There will be online midterm and final exams. The material comes from the textbook, Canvas content pages, class lectures, and supplemental articles and materials.  There is a study guide for each exam. If any exam is missed, a zero will be recorded as the score. It is your responsibility to take the online exams by the due date.

Online Mid Term: by March 30st

Online Final Exam: by May 18th

Grading Criteria 

Visit the “Grades” in Canvas to keep track of your grades.

Grades will be assigned as follows:


90% and above


80% - 89%


70% - 79%


60% - 69%


59% or below

Methods of Evaluation/Basis of Grade

Quizzes/Exams 18% of final grade
Mid Term Exam  20 points
Final Exam 30 points
Problem Solving 10% of final grade
Program Design for 1 on 1 client - Case Study 1 15 points
Program Design for 1 on 1 client - Case Study 2 15 points
Written Assignments 9% of final grade
Written Sequence: Full Pilates Reformer Class  25 points
Skill Demonstrations 18% of final grade
Practical Demonstration of Written Sequence: Full Pilates Reformer Class  50 points
Other 45% of final grade
Participation: 8 Classes worth 10 points each   80 points
Log and Journals (10 Observation and 20 Personal Sessions) 40 points
Apply for Certificate 10 points
Total Points 285 points


Attendance, Participation, and Punctuality

Pilates Method Alliance Links to an external site.(PMA) and the National Pilates Certification Program Links to an external site. (NPCP) requires instructor training students to complete established contact hours. 

SRJC’s Pilates Comprehensive Certificate program curriculum,  coursework, assignments, exams, and required participation, observation, self-practice, and practice teaching hours support students’ successfully meeting the these requirements to sit for the National Pilates Certification Exam and to have the practical skills and confidence to become a Pilates instructors. 

Arriving late or leaving early will also result in loss of points. Each class (9am-12pm and 12:45-4pm) is worth 10 points. A student MUST gain approval prior to missing  a class to allow for make up work to be granted. If a student misses more than one class, or a make up is not approved or completed, they may be dropped from the course to adhere with outside agency requirements.  

An absence, for any and all reasons, is an absence. There are not “excused” or “unexcused” absences.” In all circumstances, not being present during scheduled class time means losing attendance points.

Due to the industry standards and the short-term nature of this course, attendance is critical to your success in this course. You must participate in the entire class, arrive on time, and stay the entire class period to receive full credit for that day.

Participation consists of attending class on time, participating in the entire class period, and being prepared to participate, lead, and practice Pilates exercises and sessions throughout the class period. Arriving late, leaving early, or giving minimal effort will negatively affect this portion of your grade.  Roll will be taken at the start of class. If you arrive after roll call, it’s your responsibility to check in as soon as possible to receive credit. If you must leave early or arrive late on a rare occasion, please tell the instructor before class begins with your arrival or departure time.

Late Policy and Make-up Work

All assignments are due 11:55pm on the due date, except the first survey due before class. Late submissions are not accepted without prior arrangement. Upon the discretion and approval of the instructor, a student may have an opportunity to make up missed work due to an unforeseen emergency with written documentation provided to the instructor. Points lost for missing the hours spent on the in-class activities are lost permanently unless there is a way to make up which is not always approved or possible. 

Standards of Conduct

Students who register in SRJC classes are required to abide by the SRJC Student Conduct Standards. Violation of the Standards is basis for referral to the Vice President of Student Services or dismissal from class or from the College. Please review the description of proper student conduct on their webpage: to an external site.

Collaborating on or copying of tests or homework in whole or in part will be considered an act of academic dishonesty and result in a grade of 0 for that test or assignment. I encourage students to share information and ideas, but not their work. See these links on Plagiarism:
SRJC Writing Center Lessons on avoiding plagiarism (Links to an external site.)
SRJC's policy on Academic Integrity (Links to an external site.)

Access and Accommodations

It is the mission of the Santa Rosa Junior College to support inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or to accurate assessment of achievement—such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos—please notify the instructor as soon as possible. Students are also welcome to contact the Disability Resources DepartmentLinks to an external site. Links to an external site.(DRD). DRD is a resource for students that provides authorization for academic accommodations, training and access to assistive technology, and collaborates on strategies for academic success. Students with disabilities who believe they need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disability ResourcesLinks to an external site., as soon as possible, to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Right to Privacy

All students have the right to learn freely and safely in both the physical classroom and the virtual classroom. Students may not share course contents, materials, recordings, or any other information containing representations of their classmates in writing, text, image, or video. This includes emails between students, posts to discussion boards, video threads containing signed dialogue, and any other media that contain the efforts of students who engage with the course (See Acts of Misconduct C., D., and ELinks to an external site..). This especially applies to Zoom cloud recordings which are only stored on a temporary basis for the specific purpose of content review as deemed to be of benefit for all those enrolled in this course, and which are only available in TechConnect Zoom in Canvas. Students also may not discuss the performance of their classmates outside of the classroom. Violations of student privacy are subject to disciplinary actionLinks to an external site., with specifics to be handled in accordance with the appropriate SRJC policies and procedures.

IMPORTANT: The Course Summary below is a chronological list of assignments to help you keep track of due dates. It does not contain links to course learning materials. Please access the course materials through Modules. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due