Course Syllabus

Course KFIT 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3-Pilates Mat
Sect #s:  2177, 2178, 2179, & 2047

Class Meetings:

HyFlex (Hybrid Flexible) Course: In-person, Online Synchronous, and Online Asynchronous Options 

What does that mean? I will be meeting with in-person students on Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 6:40-7:50 pm in Room 643, Analy Village on the Santa Rosa Campus. I will have a camera set up for students that are participating remotely by zoom (Click TechConnect Zoom in the course navigation menu) once you are logged into the canvas course for zoom links. I will also be saving the video recordings for you to access and participate at another time. You will receive participation points after uploading a time lapsed video of your workout. Due dates and instructions are published in each module. These recordings will be available in TechConnect Zoom, click "Cloud Recordings" at the top. All other written assignments and quizzes will be done online on Canvas. 

Instructor Contact

Carrie Stillman


Office Hours: Fridays by appointment on zoom or phone. 

I usually respond to emails within 24 hours Monday-Friday. Most answers can be found on the Syllabus, Modules, &/or Announcements, so check there first. Please make sure your name, course and section number are on your correspondence. 

Course Description

Introduction to Pilates Mat

This class is designed for individuals with no previous Pilates experience and will include basic Pilates training techniques, fitness principles and nutrition information for a healthy lifestyle.

Beginning Pilates Mat

This beginning PILATES class is designed for students of all fitness levels including dancers and athletes.    This course will emphasize exercises to develop overall strength, with a focus on the muscles of the body’s core, as well as coordination, flexibility, and balance.  Students will be introduced to principles of proper alignment, strength, flexibility, balance and coordination through mat, ball and standing  exercises that have evolved from the original techniques developed by Joseph H. Pilates. Techniques for the development of the mind/body connection and deep breathing practices will be presented and practiced.  

Intermediate Pilates Mat

This intermediate level class is designed for individuals with previous Pilates experience. Students will improve overall movement fluidity, breathing techniques, kinesthetic awareness, proprioception, core strength and endurance while integrating the mind/body connection during movement based on the original techniques developed by Joseph H. Pilates. Students will learn principles of proper alignment, strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination using intermediate level mat exercises.

Advanced Pilates Mat

This class is designed for students of advanced fitness levels who want to increase overall movement efficiency, correct muscle imbalances, increase core strength and develop the mind/body connection during movement based on the original techniques developed by fitness pioneer, Joseph H. Pilates. Students will practice principles of proper alignment, strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and coordination through advanced level mat exercises. Breathing techniques will be learned to facilitate smooth and efficient movement, promote sufficient oxygen circulation, and enhance kinesthetic awareness.

Student Learning Outcomes  

Introduction to Pilates Mat

  1. Safely perform basic Pilates exercises
  2. Apply basic nutritional concepts
  3. Apply basic fitness principles
  4. Create personal fitness goals

Beginning Pilates Mat

  1. Create a personal Pilates-based program based on current fitness level.
  2. Demonstrate principles and aspects of Pilates.
  3. Establish personal fitness goals related

 Intermediate Pilates Mat

  1. Create a personal intermediate level Pilates-based program.
  2. Demonstrate proper form, proprioception, kinesthetic awareness, fluidity, endurance and breathing while performing intermediate level Pilates exercises.

Advanced Pilates Mat

1. Create a personal advanced level Pilates-based program
2. Demonstrate advanced principles and aspects of Pilates
3. Establish personal fitness goals related to Pilates

Links to the Course Outline that includes Course Description and Student Learning Outcomes and other information.

KFIT 5 Intro to Pilates Mat

KFIT 5.1 Beginning Pilates Mat

KFIT 5.2 Intermediate Pilates Mat

KFIT 5.3 Advanced Pilates Mat

Course Web Site

Students will use the Canvas course web site for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmate's work, sharing resources, and viewing grades. Use your SRJC Portal ID and passcode to log in:


None required - Instructor Prepared Materials available on Canvas

Required Software

You will need the following software for this course. 

Important Dates

Date Class Begins: 8/20/2024 

Date Class Ends: 12/15/2024

Last Day Add w/o add code: 8/25/2024

Last Day Drop for Refund: 9/1/2024

Last Day Drop w/o W: 9/8/2024

Last Day Add with add code: 9/8/2024

Labor Day Holiday (NO CLASSES): 9/2/2024

Native American Day (NO CLASSES): 9/27/2024

Veterans Day Holiday (NO CLASSES): 11/11/2024

Last Day Drop with W: 11/17/2024

Fall Break (NO CLASSES): 11/28-12/1 2024

Finals Week:  12/14-20/24

Last Day for P/NP option: 12/13/2024

Date Final Exam:  online submission due by 12/17/2024

Resources for Success


Should you experience any physical or mental health issues, know that all of us at SRJC care about your well-being. SRJC’s Student Health Services (SHS) has nurse practitioners and mental health therapists available. Confidential sessions are provided via secure Zoom or in-person. Sessions are free for SRJC students taking credit or non-credit classes, and some providers can converse with you in Spanish if you prefer. SHS also has on-site covid rapid testing and vaccinations available also at no cost. To start the process for any type of physical or mental health appointment contact Student Health at 707 527-4445 or email More information about all that Student Health Services provides is available at


Props - These are optional, but highly recommended items: mat (yoga or thicker), flat stretchy band, squishy Pilates ball (approx 9"), and hand weights (1-3 lbs). You do not need a mat if you are on carpet, but may find it more comfortable to move on. If coming in person, you definitely will want a mat for comfort and safety. 

Clothing - Workout wear or other types of comfortable clothing. No jeans or other restrictive wear. Bare feet or socks that are not too slippery, or socks with gripper pads on bottom.     

In Person Etiquette - Please do NOT wear heavy scents (lotions, perfumes…) as many are sensitive to them, especially while exercising.

Zoom Etiquette - Please mute microphone except when speaking. You MUST have your camera on to receive participation credit! If this is an issue for you, then I suggest you choose the asynchronous online participation option. (See top of syllabus). 

Please make sure your registered name is the name you use on your zoom account!

Dropping the Class

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your responsibility to officially drop it in order to get a refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, for several consecutive, unexplained absences, the instructor may drop a student.

Pass‐NoPass (P/NP)

You may take this class P/NP. You must decide before the deadline, and add the option online or file the P/NP form with Admissions and Records. With a grade of C or better, you will get a P.

You must file for the P/NP option by May 24th. Once you decide to go for P/NP, you cannot change back to a letter grade.

Instructor Announcements

The instructor will post announcements on the “Instructor Announcements” page in Canvas throughout the semester. Canvas notifies students according to their preferred Notification Preferences as soon as the instructor creates an Announcement, so make sure you have your announcement notifications turned on. 


Students who do not log-in to an online class by the end of the first week (Sunday night) of the semester will be dropped from the class. It is strongly advised that if you need to miss more than one class/homework deadline in a row that you contact me to avoid being dropped from the class. You will find the link to zoom via the TechConnect Zoom link on the left side navigation bar or at top of each participation page for each class in MODULESIf you can’t make the live class, you can make it up by watching the recorded version and submit a time lapse video of you following along and upload it on that class’s participation page.  

To receive participation points for each class:  5 pts ea (165 total):

1. Attend the live zoom class. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR CAMERA ON to receive participation credit! You will be required to type name in chat at END of class to receive participation credit. Please stay muted unless you need to speak. You can type a question in the Chat, but sometimes I miss those when I’m in the middle of teaching. So if the question is urgent, you’ll need to unmute and speak. Please try to pick a time to ask a question when I have paused speaking. 


2. Watch the video and record yourself doing a time lapse video performing the exercises, then upload video on the participation assignment page for the date of class. Submitting time lapse video instructions are on each participation page for every class.


3. Attend IN PERSON.  

VERY IMPORTANT!!!  If you are sick, please DO NOT COME TO CLASS! Keeping your germs at home and resting is the best thing you can do for the class and yourself. You are welcome to make up in person absences by doing the online option for participation. See modules for instructions for date of missed class.   

There will be no distinction between “excused” or “unexcused” absences, with the exception of an emergency, death in the family, or prolonged illness/injury. (Doctor’s note required). 

Written Assignments

Intro Discussion (5 pts)

6 Module Assignments at 10 pts each (60 pts)

Final Home Practice assignment (60 pts)


There will be 3 online quizzes (10 pnts/each). The material comes from class lectures and supplemental materials found in each Module. A late submission of 1 day will receive a 10% penalty. If any exam is missed, a zero will be recorded as the score. It is your responsibility to take the online exams by the due date.

Late Policy

All assignments are due on the due date. A late submission  of 1 day will receive a 10% penalty. Late work will not be graded unless student sends instructor a message explaining reason for late work. It is your responsibility to keep track of the due dates for each assignment and quizzes.

Grading Policy

Visit “Grades” in Canvas to keep track of your grades. I grade as quickly as possible and post grades and comments into the online Canvas gradebook.

Participation/Attendance: 165 points

Module Assignments: 65 points

Quizzes: 30 points

Final Home Practice Routine Assignment: 60 points

Total: 320 points

Grades will be assigned as follows:



288-320 points



      256-287  points



      224-255  points



      192-223  points

If taking Pass/No Pass you need at least 70% of the total class points (224) to Pass the course.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

In the event of an emergency during class that requires evacuation of the building, please leave the class immediately, but calmly. We will all meet on the Baseball Field (south side of building and across parking lot)  to make sure everyone got out of the building safely and to receive further instructions. In the event of instances that involve the presence of blood and/or other body fluids, universal precautions will be followed. These precautions include: using gloves, careful waste disposal, adequate disinfections, modification of CPR, and hand washing.

Link to Santa Rosa Campus Evacuation & Safety map

Standards of Conduct

Students who register in SRJC classes are required to abide by the SRJC Student Conduct Standards. Violation of the Standards is basis for referral to the Vice President of Student Services or dismissal from class or from the College. See the Student Code of Conduct page.

Collaborating on or copying of tests or homework in whole or in part will be considered an act of academic dishonesty and result in a grade of 0 for that test or assignment. I encourage students to share information and ideas, but not their work. See these links on Plagiarism:
SRJC Writing Center Lessons on avoiding plagiarism
SRJC's policy on Academic Integrity

 Other Important Policies and Practices

Right to Privacy

All students have the right to learn freely and safely in both the physical and the virtual classroom. Students may not share course contents, materials, recordings, or any other information containing representations of their classmates in writing, text, image, or video. This includes emails between students, posts to discussion boards, video threads containing signed dialogue, and any other media that contain the efforts of students who engage with the course (See Acts of Misconduct C., D., and E.). This especially applies to Zoom cloud recordings which are only stored on a temporary basis for the specific purpose of content review as deemed to be of benefit for all those enrolled in this course, and which are only available in TechConnect Zoom in Canvas. Students also may not discuss the performance of their classmates outside of the classroom. Violations of student privacy are subject to disciplinary action, with specifics to be handled in accordance with the appropriate SRJC policies and procedures.

Avoid Plagiarism

Although most students have likely heard about plagiarism during their years of schooling, it still is prevalent-even in higher education.

The video below reviews what plagiarism is and how not to do it.

Plagiarism: How to avoid it

Netiquette, or Why Is It Harder to Be Polite Online?

Netiquette refers to using common courtesy in online communication. All members of the class are expected to follow netiquette in all course communications. Use these guidelines:

  • Use capital letters sparingly. THEY LOOK LIKE SHOUTING.
  • Forward emails only with a writer's permission.
  • Be considerate of others' feelings and use language carefully.
  • Cite all quotations, references, and sources (otherwise, it is plagiarism).
  • Use humor carefully. It is hard to "read" tone; sometimes humor can be misread as criticism or personal attack. Feel free to use emoticons like :) for a smiley face to let others know you are being humorous.
  • Use complete sentences and standard English grammar to compose posts. Write in proper paragraphs. Review work before submitting it.
  • Text speak, such as "ur" for "your" or "ru" for "are you" etc., is only acceptable when texting.

Special Needs

Students with disabilities who believe they need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disability Resources (527-4278), as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due