Vaccines and Herd Immunity

  • Due Oct 23 at 11:59am
  • Points 6
  • Questions 6
  • Available Aug 20 at 12am - Oct 27 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


 Why does it mater whether some people get vaccinated and other people do not?  In order to understand this question, we need to learn about herd immunity.

Keep in mind this study guide question while you watch the following video

. What is  herd immunity? 

      • What is herd immunity?
      • Who is protected by herd immunity?
      • Why do so many people need to be immune before you can reach herd immunity? 

Watch these videos and take the mini-quiz. 



Optional: This video does a great job showing the R0



Great short video showing how viruses mutate and versions become more common. From this article that is very helpful 


Text version of 'What Causes A Virus to Change?' video (Word doc)



Text version of 'Stopping the Spread of Covid-19 Variants' video (Word doc)


Now take a mini-quiz to help ensure that you keep up on the material!

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