MUSC9: Jazz Appreciation: Section 0452: Friedman B

MUSC 9 Jazz Appreciation


Music 9 - Jazz Appreciation

|   Music Department   |     Bennett Friedman Homepage

Bennett Friedman_F23 edits tc174.jpg

Instructor: Bennett Friedman


Office: Forsyth Hall, room 147

Office Hours: M/W 9-11AM 

Phone: (707) 527-4255


Recommended Textbooks: Both textbooks are on reserve in the library. Please use the call number and remember to bring your SRJC student ID.


Jazz, 13th edition

Jazz, 13th Ed.,Tanner and Gerow
#ML3506 .T36 2019 P

blues people

Blues People: Negro Music in White America
ML3556 .B16 1999


.              IMPORTANT DATES

Sept. 16.  Class begins.

Oct. 10.    Listening Recognition Test #1

Oct. 24.    Midterm Exam

Nov. 6.      Listening Recognition Test #2

Nov. 7.     Attend Jazz Concert--BF Quartet featuring Randy Vincent-guitar, Jeff Denson-bass, Kendrick Freeman, drums.                      7:30PM, Newman Aud. Santa Rosa Campus, students $10

Nov. 11.  Concert report #1 due.

Nov. 27   Attend  Jazz Concert--SRJC JAZZ COMBOS at 7:30PM, Newman Aud. Santa Rosa Campus, all tickets $10

Dec. 2.    Concert Report #2 due

Dec. 5.    Listening Recognition Test #3

Dec. 12.  Final Exam

Dec. 13   Class ends.