Course Syllabus

MUSC 1 Music Fundamentals

Spring 2024

Dr. Mark Anderman

Office Hours: In-person M T Th 11am–12pm; Online T 4–5pm, W 11am–12pm

Catalog Description

This course is designed for students with little or no formal musical training. Students are introduced to basic musical concepts, terminology, and music reading through exercises in rhythm, singing, and on the piano keyboard. Topics include notation, rhythm, scales, intervals, chords, key signatures, and the circle of fifths. Recommended for prospective Music majors who lack the music reading skills for MUSC 2A/3A.


Clendinning, Marvin, & Phillips: The Musician's Guide to Fundamentals (3rd edition
with Media Update)

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain and utilize basic musical terminology.
  2. Identify, interpret, and utilize the fundamental elements of music.
  3. Demonstrate basic musical concepts at the piano keyboard.

Course Objectives

In order to achieve these learning outcomes, during the course students will:

  1. Explain and utilize basic musical terminology including melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, meter, and dynamics.
  2. Identify, interpret, and utilize scales, intervals, chords, key signatures, and the circle of fifths.
  3. Read elementary treble and bass clef notation.
  4. Read and perform basic rhythmic patterns in simple and compound meter.
  5. Apply musical materials learned to the piano keyboard.

Grading Policy

Individual assignments and tests will be graded on a points system. The final course grade will be based upon these guidelines:

InQuizitive activities & worksheets 35%
Discussion board 10%
Canvas quizzes 10%
Midterm exam     20%
Final Exam
Total       100%

Incomplete Grades

In some extreme circumstances, arrangements can be made for an incomplete (I) grade. Incomplete grades are appropriate when a student has been making satisfactory progress in a course, but is unable to finish for reasons beyond their control. Consult the District Grading Policy for more information. 

Dropping a Course or Withdrawing from the College

It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a course if they are unable to complete it. Students who drop a course or withdraw from the college before the semester deadline will receive a “W” on their transcripts for each course dropped. The drop deadlines are published each semester in the college catalog and on the college website. Failure to drop by this date may result in a failing grade. 

Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty is regarded as any act of deception, benign or malicious in nature, in the completion of any academic exercise. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, impersonation, misrepresentation of idea or fact for the purpose of defrauding, use of unauthorized aids or devices, falsifying attendance records, violation of testing protocol, inappropriate course assignment collaboration, and any other acts that are prohibited by the instructor of record. Students suspected of academic dishonesty may be referred to the Dean and/or Vice President of Student Services for disciplinary action.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you need disability-related accommodations for this course, please provide the Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA letter) from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) to me as soon as possible. You may also speak with me privately during office hours about your accommodations. If you have not received authorization from DRD, it is recommended that you contact them directly.

Physical and Mental Health

Should you experience any physical or mental health issues, know that all of us at SRJC care about your well-being. SRJC’s Student Health Services (SHS) has nurse practitioners and mental health therapists available. Confidential sessions are provided via secure Zoom or in-person. Sessions are free for SRJC students taking credit or non-credit classes, and some providers can converse with you in Spanish if you prefer. SHS also has on-site covid rapid testing and vaccinations available also at no cost. To start the process for any type of physical or mental health appointment contact Student Health at 707 527-4445 or email More information about all that Student Health Services provides is available at

Course Summary:

Date Details Due