Recommended Extra-Credit Media Quiz

  • Due Mar 17 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Available Mar 4 at 12am - Mar 17 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None


Please Remember- the following questions were created using the sixth edition of our textbook.  Sometimes textbooks reword a point from edition to edition.  Don't base your answer solely on a different phrasing, however, you will find that some of the questions' material can't be found in older editions.  

Please Note- When you submit this quiz, Canvas will treat it as an additional quiz, and automatically raise (or lower) your grade.  However, as we've discussed, this is an Extra-Credit Quiz.  The points you earn will be added to your Mid-Term Exam Grade (up to 200 points).  To do this, I will have to review the grade book and manually edit your Mid-Term grade. I will do this within a week after it is due.  After I review these grades and adjust your grade book, I will delete this Extra-Credit grade from the grade book. 

If your class grade changes immediately after you submit this quiz, please ignore that.  It will be corrected when I do the above. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes