Course Syllabus

KINES 49 – Independent Study

1 unit  = 36 hours

1.5 units = 54 hours

2 units = 72 Hours

3 units = 108 hours

Catalog Description

Seminars or individual conferences by arrangement to provide for independent study and enriched academic experience. UC determines credit AFTER transfer; not counted for admission. (See a counselor for details.)

Student Learning Outcomes

Since the purpose of the course is to afford students the opportunity for advanced, concentrated studies in kinesiology, dance and/or athletics appropriate to their own unique focus and circumstances, or in areas not covered by other courses in the curriculum, student learning outcomes will vary depending on the nature of individual student projects.


To be defined by student and approved by instructor. 

Instructor: Tara Jacobson


I respond to emails within 24 hours. If I don't, feel free to email again as I may have missed it. 

Office Hours: In person, zoom, or phone appointments available please email to schedule. I am happy to work with your schedule and we are not limited to the hours scheduled below. 

MW 10:30-11:30am PC806 Petaluma Campus, TTH 11:30-1pm Home Office

As a student, I sometimes thought attending office hours was burdensome to my instructor or I was bothering them—please know this is not the case!  My passion for teaching is grounded in being there to help students even with a small question, possibly linking you to a helpful resource, or helping you fulfill your goals and dreams. We can meet in person, by phone, or zoom. 

Office Location: PC806 and Home Office 

Course Evaluation

Writing Assignments Points
Assessment of Independent Study Experience  20
Project or Performance 
Proposal, Objectives, and Log 80
Total 100



90-100% = A

80-89%  = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

Below 60 = F


Course Summary:

Date Details Due