SPAN1: Elementary Spanish-Part 1: Section 5275: Lev B

           scenes from Spain human castles in Spain

Headshot of Ben Lev aka Profe Lev

Profe. Benjamin Lev

Tues Thurs 9am - 11am



  Bienvenid@s a tod@s a Español 1

Welcome every@ne to Spanish 1


¡OJO! : This is a Spanish 1 class for beginners.

If you speak Spanish at home or have significant class or travel experience, sign up for a more advanced class.


I recognize that each student has different motivations, life experiences, strengths and challenges. I strive to both teach Spanish and build an authentic connection with my students that allows me to set a healthy pace for everyone (me included) so that our class becomes a positive place of learning, enjoyment, and new friendships. I hope that you "fall in love" with Spanish and its many cultures so that you want to continue taking classes, traveling, and using your new language skills. 



Our Spanish 1 class starts with very short and simple stories that I co-create in class with students, which become longer and more complex. We will first develop your understanding (listening and reading) skills, then your writing and speaking skills. I often use strategies based in Comprehensible Input instruction. My job is to make new vocabulary and grammar understandable and interesting. Your job is to listen, respond and indicate if you don't understand something. It's a cooperative technique that is most successful when students fully participate. We will also read one or two easy novels and watch, with support, a full length movie about immigration.

I look forward our semester together. ¡Nos vemos en clase! See you in class!


LEARNING MATERIALS - this might change, I'll give you notice if it does

1.Students will purchase two easy language learner novels to read. Students will choose one and Instructor will choose one. They will cost about $15 each. Info to follow.

2. Students will subscribe to Dreaming Spanish for the semester which costs $8 per month.

3. We will use free Open Education Resources on the internet and various websites as well.


  • Reliable internet connection - ¡Obviamente!
  • Laptop are better than phones for this class - Here's why .   Here and here are some resources for SRJC students.
  • Printed materials. Find these in the modules.
  • Mini-white board 9" x 12" - find at Staples or online
  • Black and red dry-erase markers and eraser or old sock
  • Index cards
  • Color markers, pencils or crayons
  • Notebook
  • Spanish-English dictionary or app (I recommend WordReference) 


This is a highly interactive class. Join in! It's the key to learning a language.


  • Be on time. Even better, 5 minutes early. I will start right on time.
  • Student's camera will be on all the time unless there is a break. If you have an urgent situation let me know tell me know before class. If your camera is off you are considered absent.
  • Have your hands free to show me gestures, drawings, writing, response cards...
  • Have your printed materials ready
  • Do not multi-task, work, drive (OMG I have had students do this!) or eat during class. There will be a break.
  • Please sit up, not lay down. Professional student posture, ¡por favor!
  • Come to class with your motivation to improve your Spanish
  • Answer all questions or stop me if you don’t understand = participation
  • Put away distractions, try to work in a quiet room, ask people in your home to not talk to you during class
  • Stay on the zoom call until class is over and we say “Adiosito.”


Plan to put in 4-5 hours per week of study at home. Mostly you will be watching short, interesting videos at your level that you choose. Why? It's all about getting many many hours of comprehensible input into your Spanish brain. Students who watch 100 hours or more this semester will move quickly toward intermediate comprehension.  Check out this chart. There will also be digital projects and home reading, writing, illustrating.


Homework is due on time. If you turn it in late but I haven't graded it yet, no problem, lucky you. If I've graded it and you turn it in late, then no credit.  You can ask me for an extension *in advance* and I'll consider it. If you repeatedly ask me for an extension then you and I will check in about how to help you turn your work in on time.

Each student will be randomly assigned to a "Familia." You do not get to choose your familia, just like in real life. You must commit to helping each other, just like in real life. If you are absent or struggling, please reach out to them so they can catch you up. If someone in your familia is absent or struggling, please persist in making contact so they don't fall behind. If there's a problem let me know.


25% Attendance and participation. Eyes up, Gesture, Offer suggestions, Answer all questions, Participate in Break Out Rooms, etc  = full points.

25% Homework

25% Quizzes (announced and unannounced), Exams, Projects, Reports

25% Final Exam or Project

Grade for the course: 

A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F= below 60%


1) I use SRJC email to communicate, so students need to check their email every few days and respond.

2) Multi-tasking

Please make a commitment to yourself to take this class with your full and complete attention. Participate fully in class. Close apps and texting threads that will distract you. There will be one or two short breaks. If you are obviously multi-tasking, distracted or distracting others we will have a 1-1 conference.

3) I promise not to cheat

I promise to myself, to Profe and to my fellow students that I will not give or get help from friends on quizzes or tests. Both are cheating. I will not use a  translation tool or an AI for writing assignments or other work unless Profe says that is allowed.

If am seen using a cell phone or digital device for any purpose during an exam, Profe may reasonably assume that I am cheating. Profe has the right to give a zero grade on the exam. If I use a cell phone or digital device to disseminate test documents or answers, or attempt to disseminate, duplicate or share test content in any way, the incident will be considered a compounded incident of cheating, and consequences will reflect the seriousness of the act. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, receiving a zero, or my suspension or expulsion. Faculty and students are partners in maintaining the college's academic integrity in accordance with the College guidelines.

Simply said: I will do my own school work and let other students do theirs

4) Conduct

Respect the rights of other students and the instructor. If you violate the Student Conduct Code you may be suspended from 2 classes and referred to the Vice President of Student Services for discipline.

5) Students may not speak English without permission.

Students may not chat or blurt out in English. You may ask clarification (¿Cómo se dice XYZ en inglés?) or for permission to speak English (¿Me permite hablar inglés?). Disruptions or use of English will lower your participation grade.



You may miss, and make up, two sessions for any reason -- illness, religious observance, sporting events without losing points. This will be calculated at the end of the semester. You are still responsible for missed class work.If you miss three or more classes your final grade will lowered by 5 points for each class you miss, unless we've come to an agreement in advance. If you miss five classes you will be dropped from the course.  If you are late twice or leave class early twice that equals one absence. This will be calculated at the end of the semester. If you miss class please 1) send me an email and 2) check with your "familia."



Please ask your familia first. Someone will might know the answer to your tech or class question. For SRJC tech help go HERE or call (707) 521-6062. For Canvas help call (844) 303-0344. For tutoring on the SRJC Campus go to the Tutorial Center at the library or call 707-527-4491. I will hold Office Hours Thursdays after class if you want to stay late and work 1-1.



If you are experiencing stress or emotional difficulties please let someone know. Ask for help! Ask me :-)  We can have a 1-1 Zoom meeting and I'll listen to you. Don't be alone with your challenges. You can call (707) 527-4445 or go HERE. There are drop-in counseling appointments in-person and virtual too. If you're hungry there's a Food Pantry on SR and Petaluma Campuses and in other places too. Look HERE.


Assuming good attendance, homework, and active participation, you will be able to:

1. Use Spanish 1 grammar in context with predictable errors. (Simple present, present progressive and preterit tenses, including high-frequency verbs, subject and object pronouns, and adjectives.)
2. Initiate and maintain simple conversations in Spanish on everyday topics
3. Comprehend and respond to short messages and questions in spoken Spanish.
4. Write coherent paragraphs containing descriptions of people, places, and everyday activities.
5. Use appropriate vocabulary for greetings, school-related items, family members, clothes, food, etc
6. Read and comprehend the main ideas presented in level appropriate Spanish texts

7. Develop cultural awareness and insights about the Spanish-speaking world


If you need disability related accommodations for this class, please provide the Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA letter) from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) to the instructor as soon as possible. If you have not received authorization from DRD, please contact them directly. DRD is located in Analy Village on the Santa Rosa campus, and Jacobs Hall on the Petaluma Campus.