Course Syllabus

JPN 2: Elementary Japanese, Part 2
Section 4582- Course Syllabus

Spring 2024

Instructor Information

  • Name: Hisayo Suzuki
  • Email: (preferred method of contact)
  • Phone: (707) 583-1698 (voicemail only, if email is not available to you)
  • Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00 to 5:30 pm and 7:20 to 7:50 pm, via class Zoom link and by appointment.

Response Times

I will do my best to respond to emails promptly, within 24 hours on weekdays. Emails after 5 PM or on weekends may take additional time.

Office Hours

During these hours, I can be available online to talk with you individually about any questions or concerns.  However, please email me to let me know, so that I can prepare the Zoom room for you. If you are staying behind right after class, however, there is no need to let me know in advance.

Course Format and Meetings

This class is a blend of Zoom (80%) and Canvas (20%). We will meet on Zoom for class Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:30 to 7:20 pm. The Zoom classes are a valuable opportunity for interactive speaking practice and cooperative learning. Immediately before and after class, I will be available for office hours. In addition to Zoom classes, you will have independent work assigned on Canvas. 

See Zoom Sessions Information.

Zoom Classes (Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 to 7:20 pm)

  • Live lessons
  • Speaking practice
  • Collaborative learning
  • Tests

Canvas Tasks

  • Independent practice

Books, Materials, and Technology

Required Materials

Genki I 3rd TB Cover  Genki I 3rd WB Cover 

  • Genki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese (3rd Edition), ISBN 978-4-7890-1730-5 
  • Genki I Workbook (3rd Edition), ISBN 978-4-7890-1731-2
  • Webcam
  • Microsoft Office
  • Scanner or scanning app on phone (such as Genius Scan or Adobe Scan)

The textbook and workbook are available at the SRJC Bookstore.

Recommended Materials

Language Lab Access

The Language Lab at Emeritus 1525 is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 - 5 pm for computer work and printing.

Telephone: (707) 527-4469

Library Books

 The SRJC library reserves desk on the second floor of Doyle Library has two copies of the textbook (3rd edition). 

Course Description

Continues JAPN 1. Continues to develop listening, speaking, and reading and writing skills of Japanese. More basic kanji characters (87) and relevant aspects of Japanese culture are introduced. This course reviews Lesson 6 and covers Lessons 7 through 12 of Genki Volume I. Students receive 4 credits, which are CSU/UC transferable. Please see the Course Outline or contact your academic counselor for more details.

This is the second course in our 2-course sequence (JAPN 1 and 2). 

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

1.  Engage in level appropriate conversations about past, present and future activities with
    acceptable degree of spontaneity.
2.  Be familiar with Japanese language and culture.
3.  Expand and comprehend ideas, questions, instructions and requests in Japanese.
4.  Construct and organize comprehensible written sentences, paragraphs and brief compositions
    using accurate Japanese syntax and cohesive elements.
5.  Foster curiosity, inquiry, and a lifelong interest in, and enjoyment of, Japanese language

How Outcomes Will Be Met

In this online class, class meetings will take place through live (synchronous) classes on Zoom and asynchronous practice tasks on Canvas. You should expect to spend an additional 5-10 hours per week on homework and individual study. Student outcomes will be assessed through class performance, homework, and written and oral exams.


The Academic Calendar lists important dates including withdrawal deadlines.

Zoom Participation (15%)

Participation in the Zoom classes is required and essential to your success in learning Japanese. Full participation credit (10 points per hour) will be given to those who are present for the entire class period and fully participating, including during breakout room activities. Class time is your chance to practice and ask questions-- mistakes are to be expected and can be great learning opportunities. If you miss a class, email me and study the online materials to catch up. Excused absences may receive partial credit (50%), based on instructor discretion and documentation.

Canvas Tasks (20%)

You will apply what you've learned with various quizzes, discussion postings, audio recordings or other online activities, on your own time. Since the goal is to practice and master the material, you can retake the automatically graded practice quizzes as many times as you like and Canvas will keep your highest score. Other types of Canvas Tasks assignments (Audio Recordings, Writing Practice, etc.) will be graded only once (the last submission will be graded).  Discussion Board assignments usually require two postings, an original post and a response. Zoom Activity Practice Quizzes should be submitted online by class time of the due date and will be practiced orally during the Zoom session as well. Although I strongly recommend you complete these Canvas tasks according to the Schedule (including Zoom Activity Quizzes before Zoom class), I will accept them without penalty until the closing deadline, usually 11:59 pm on Sunday. Late work (with 10% grade penalty) is due on the day of the Chapter Test. 

Workbook & Worksheets (15%)

You may have written homework due several times a week. Most homework comes from the Genki workbook. You are also required to complete additional vocabulary worksheets that are posted on Canvas. If you don't have a printer, you can type on the PDF, but handwriting is recommended. Credit will be based on completion and effort, including correcting your own work. Before submitting your homework, check your answers using the provided answer keys. Scan and upload your assignments in PDF format. I strongly recommend you complete these written homework assignments as listed on the Schedule/Calendar but they can be submitted without penalty until the Sunday after it was assigned. Otherwise, any late Workbook/Worksheet homework must be submitted by the day of the chapter test to receive credit (with 10% grade penalty).

Writing Assignments (5%)

You will complete several writing assignments: a letter (in English), an online writing practice activity (in Japanese), and a long essay (in Japanese) with a rewrite. Instructions for each assignment will be posted on Canvas. After I check the long essay assignment, you will revise and resubmit it. Your original score and score on the revision will both be calculated into your grade for the long essay writing assignment. Essay assignments that receive 90% or higher on the first attempt are not required to be revised. Late writing assignments must be submitted within 2 calendar days of the deadline to receive credit. 

Chapter Tests (35%)

Please prepare for written and listening test after each chapter. Since these are formal assessments, use of references or help from others is not permitted. The chapter tests will be administered via Canvas during your usual class time. Make-up tests will only be allowed in the case of an emergency. 

Speaking Test (10%)

You will have a one-on-one speaking test with your instructor at the end of the semester.

Student Conduct Code and Academic Integrity

Acts of academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism (using the ideas or words of another as one’s own without crediting the source), and fabrication, and inappropriate/disruptive classroom behavior are violations of the Student Conduct Code.

Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to, repeatedly talking out of turn, arriving late or leaving early without a valid reason, allowing cell phones to ring, and inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates. The instructor can refer any violation of the Student Conduct Code to the Sr. Dean of Students for investigation. Specific student rights, responsibilities, and appeal procedures are listed in the Student Conduct Code at: Student Code

Cheating & Use of References

Chapter Tests & Speaking Test

You may not use any reference materials or get help from anyone during the chapter tests or speaking tests. If you violate this rule, you will receive a zero on the test, and the matter may also be reported to the Dean of Students.  

Homework & Canvas Lessons

Do your own work: do not copy answers from another student or the answer key. You may refer to the textbook for help. If you refer to the answer key after completing your work, please clearly label corrections in a different color.

Writing Assignments

Do your own work, without using online translation sites. You may refer to your textbook for help. Please see the assignment description for suggested online dictionaries.

Grading Scale

Final grades will be assigned as follows:

Final Grade Calculations



90 points or more



80 points or more



70 points or more



60 points or more

F 0% Below 60 points


Class Style and Strategies for Success

I am here to guide you! I will...

  • Let you know what I expect and how you can succeed
  • Lead you step-by-step through the content
  • Give you lots of small assignments and assessments to keep you on track
  • Provide you with detailed feedback within 36 hours of submission (except weekends)
  • Create lots of opportunities to practice through in-class activities, online activities, and written work
  • Facilitate cooperative learning through Zoom breakout rooms
  • Be available to help you outside of class

You can succeed in this class! You should...

  • Come to every class and participate wholeheartedly in every activity
  • Do all homework assignments on time
  • Be prepared for each test
  • Visit office hours or email me with any questions or concerns
  • Use SRJC's free tutoring (if available) for extra one-on-one help or additional practice
  • Contact the instructor if you miss more than one day of class or homework in a row

Student Services

Santa Rosa Junior College provides a number of wrap-around supports for students, including academic, counseling, advising, career services.

Tutorial Center

Free Japanese tutoring is open to anyone taking Japanese credit courses if there is a hired tutor. For details, contact the SRJC Tutorial Center.

Welcome Center and Tech Help

For more information on peer coaching and other student success resources, please see the Welcome and Connect Center.

Students are responsible for resolving any technical issues, but tech help is available through the Welcome Center during business hours:  text: 1-888-343-4038, phone: 707-527-4410. Technical help can also be contacted anytime via email: 

Canvas Help for students is available via the hotline: (844) 303-0344. Click on the question mark icon in the Navigation bar for more Help options.

Disability Resources (DRD)

The Disability Resource serves students with disabilities. A disability includes any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Common disabilities include physical, neurological (e.g. Autism, ADD), and mental health (e.g. depression, anxiety). If you are a student who has a disability or if you think you may need accommodations in order to have equal access to programs, activities, and services, please contact the DRD at (707) 527-4278) as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. For more information about the services they offer, visit the DRD website.

Contributions and Caveats

I thank Peggy Hardt, Japanese instructor at Bellevue College, for generously sharing much of the materials used or adapted in this course (including her Syllabus). Of course, any errors or omissions are my own responsibility.

The present Syllabus may be changed, but I will notify students of those changes in class.