Climate Impacts Seal Level Rise

  • Due Apr 30 at 11:59pm
  • Points 6
  • Questions 6
  • Available Jan 20 at 12am - May 5 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 6


Sea Level Rise 

Due to melting glaciers and thermal expansion, sea levels will rise globally, in some areas more than others. In addition, some locations are more vulnerable to sea level rise than other locations. 


Local Impacts

    • Bay Area Tides Mapper: There is an online resource that allows you to look at the greater Bay Area and see how much land would be impacted by sea level rise of between 12" and 108."  Take a few minutes and explore the Bay Area Adapting To Rising Tides mapper.
    • Under Scenario select 48 inches of sea level rise, then click on ''consequences tab'' and click t hrough the different impacts ( roads, transportation, vulnerable communities, housing, etc)  Which areas of the Bay are most affected by rising sea level?
    • For insight into the local impacts of sea level rise in Sonoma County, read the KQED article North Bay's Highway 37 Is Going to Be a Serious Climate Mess, to see an example of the predicted local Sonoma County impacts of sea level rise.   

A fabulous resource on sea level rise in the greater Bay Area is available in the optional resources below, as is a great article on flooding in the southeast.  Their length made it not suitable for adding to this unit, but I highly recommend either or both if you have the time.  


Impacts on Island Nations

Some of the strongest impacts of sea level rise will be on island nations, with the potential for whole islands, and in some cases, whole nations to become submerged.  Watch the short video below to see how people are coping with sea level rise on one island in the Philippines.

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