Course Syllabus

KINES 50.4 – Pilates Reformer Teaching Practicum

Whoever thinks 10 seconds goes by fast, has not been to a Pilates class

Day/Time: Wednesdays 6-9pm 

January 17 - May 15th

Location: PC808 - Petaluma Campus 

Other work done online asynchronously 

Course Schedule

Catalog Description

Students seeking to complete the Pilates Reformer Instructor Certificate will gain experience through practical application and supervised practice of lead instructional techniques. Students will assist faculty in areas of administration, classroom management, teaching techniques, and instruction.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Develop written lesson plans for Pilates Reformer class.
2. Instruct an entire class using appropriate communication and Pilates Reformer instructional methods and skills.


At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify and implement the components of a lesson plan with clear objectives and learning outcomes.
2. Demonstrate communication skills pertaining to group and individual instruction using appropriate cueing, terminology, and student feedback.
3. Demonstrate appropriate Pilates Reformer exercise selection and order, using proper technique and safety in individual and group instruction.
4. Demonstrate standard safety skills in selected equipment and activities.
5. Provide appropriate options for multi-level participants and various health conditions.
6. Apply instructional methods, classroom management techniques, and administration organization for a particular activity to teaching experiences in a practical setting.
7. Assess and analyze personal experience and current strengths and areas of development as a lead instructor.


Please note the following requirements for attendance and completion of the SRJC Comprehensive Pilates Certificate Program. Note the hours requirement are established to meet the mandatory training hours requirement by the NPCP to sit for the Comprehensive Pilates Instructor Exam:

  1. The SRJC Comprehensive Pilates Certificate Program requires 90% attendance in all courses in the program.
  2. Students that miss more than 10% of the class hours (total for this class is 52.5) will be dropped from the class. 
    • It is suggested that the student withdraw from the course and re-schedule their attendance to a date in the future that may be more suited to their availability to attend classes.
  3. Absences require notification to the instructor PRIOR to the missed class. 
  4. Please note that instructors are not required, as it may not be feasible, to provide make up assignments for missed content and instructional class time. 

Instructor: Tara Jacobson


I respond to emails within 24 hours. If I don't, feel free to email again as I may have missed it. 

Office Hours: MW 10:30-11:30am PC806 Petaluma Campus, TTH 11:30-1pm Home Office

Office Location: PC806 and Home Office 

In person, zoom, or phone appointments available. I am happy to work with your schedule and we are not limited to the hours scheduled above. 

As a student, I sometimes thought attending office hours was burdensome to my instructor or I was bothering them—please know this is not the case!  My passion for teaching is grounded in being there to help students even with a small question, possibly linking you to a helpful resource, or helping you fulfill your goals and dreams. We can meet in person, by phone, or zoom. 

Topics and Scope
I. Lead Instructing for Components of a Pilates Reformer Class
     A. Introduction and warm-up
    B. Cool-down and flexibility
    C. Main Pilates Reformer Session
II. Lead Instructing for a Full Pilates Reformer Class
III. Assisting a Lead Instructor
IV. Lesson Planning and Class Organization
V. Classroom Procedures and Protocol
    A. Administration
    B. Classroom management
VI. Proper Form, Skills, Use of Pilates Reformer Equipment, and Safety Considerations for the Activity
VII. Teaching Methods Appropriate for Pilates Reformer Instruction
VIII. Providing Options, Modifications, Regressions, and Progressions for All Levels and Limitations
IX. Appropriate Corrections, Assistance, and Feedback to Participants
X. Communication Skills
XI. Assessment of Teaching Experience
    A. Personal evaluation of strengths and areas of development
    B. Student evaluations and feedback

Course Evaluation

Written Work (20% of grade) Points
Assessment of teaching experience/self-evaluation 20
Lesson Plans 20
Written feedback 10
Skill Performance (40%)
Personal Objectives  100
Participation (40%)
Attendance in course, verbal feedback  100
Total 250



90-100% = A

80-89%  = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

Below 60 = F


Course Summary:

Date Details Due