ENGL1A: College Composition: Section 2653: Russell J

Welcome to English 1A!

Welcome to our English 1A classroom community! For the next fourteen weeks we will be working as a class to interpret, discuss, and write about the ways social interactions – written and oral – define our ideas and society as a whole. This will be accomplished through a series of readings, class discussions, activities, and formal papers. This section of English 1A is designed to advance your ability to actively engage with society through language.

 Because our society is evolving all the time, we will be using a range of resources throughout the semester, including excerpts from texts, news articles, blog entries, and other “living” documents. You will also play a part in providing the content for this course through selecting and sharing texts and resources that you find academically valuable.

 Additionally, because we are all knowledgeable, perceptive individuals with something unique to contribute, within our class we are all students and teachers. The success of this course depends on your active participation on a continuous basis. On that note, I am prepared to work as assiduously as you in order to make this a successful semester.


Getting Started: Click on the "Modules" Link on the left


Clicking on the pictures below will connect you to essential links for the work you will be completing this semester: 


Santa Rosa Junior College Libraries   Santa Rosa Junior College Writing Center

SRJC Library Website: Books, databases, and other resources for your research needs

Santa Rosa Junior College's Writing Center Website: Hours, locations, and writing assistance



Jessica Russell

Instructor Name 
Jessica Russell, English Department

Email *I check and respond to email several times a day.

Office Location: Petaluma Campus, Call Bldg., 682         

Office Phone: (707)778-2468 *I am not on campus during Covid and I will not be checking messages

Office Hours: Online by appointment


Public Domain This course content is offered under a Public Domain Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.