Q.2 Problem Solving Application 4 (SLO 1, 2, 3)

  • Due Dec 10, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Questions 7
  • Available until Dec 10, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None


Module M

Problem Solving Application 4


The purpose of this learning activity is for you apply all you have learned about the the SARA problem solving model and Crime Triangle model to real-world  problems that might be found in any city or county in California. 


This assignment requires you to complete the computer simulation involving a street prostitution problem in the fictitious "Central City."  The simulation is hosted on the Center for Problem Oriented Policing website provided by Arizona State University (ASU). Follow the steps below to complete this assignment.

  1. Download a copy of the  download Review the guide and refer back to it during the simulation.
  2. Go to the ASU Street Prostitution Simulation Website (Links to an external site.).
  3. Create an account by clicking on "Create Account".  This will enable you to return and pick-up where you left off in the simulation.
  4. Once logged in, follow the directions for completing the simulation.  Begin by reading the news paper articles and memo from the Mayor.

The next steps in the simulation will offer you people to interview, crime statistics to review, and maps to look at.  Each of these choices has a cost associated with it that will begin impacting your budget.  You will be able to track use of your budget at the top of the webpage with a progress bar.  

Make careful notes about each decision you make.  Identify the reasoning behind your decision as well as how much that decision cost.

The next part of the simulation will enable you to make choices about a response.  Use what you learned in the simulation along with what you already know about strategies for long-term prevention of crime to select the best response.   Again, make notes about the decisions you make and the reasoning behind them.  Hint: focus the victim and environment sides of the crime triangle.

The last part of the simulation will offer you the assessment.  You will get feedback from the simulation about the level of risk you took with your solutions and what their long term impact was on the problem.  

This activity will help you record your experience with the simulation and will ask you to explain your reasoning behind the decisions you made. You can see all of the questions at the same time and move back and forth between then as you complete the simulation.  Your responses will be evaluated for content as well as use of complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.  Proof read your work carefully.

Take your time with the simulation and have fun with it!


Crime Triangle including offender/suspect, location, target/victim with crime in the center

Remember, adding more police, extra patrols, and hiring private security does nothing to solve the problem.  We will assume that enforcement of existing laws and regular patrol activity around the problem will continue.

Reference Material


When you have completed the learning activity to the best of your ability, click the "Submit Quiz" button located at the bottom right of the screen. 

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