Course Syllabus
Psychology 1A: Introduction to Psychology
Dr. Marilyn Milligan
Email address:
Required Textbook:
Essentials of Understanding Psychology by Robert S. Feldman, McGraw Hill. 10th Edition
(Numbers are pages in the required text)
Unit 1. Freud and Psychoanalysis: 18, 224-225, 385-393.
Introduction: 18: The Psychodynamic Perspective
Age-Stage Theory: 387-388: Developing Personality
Structure of the Psyche: 386-387: Structuring Personality: Id, Ego, Superego
Defense Mechanisms: 388-390
Recovered Memories: 224-225: Repressed and False Memories
Jung; Adler; Horney: 391-393: The Neo-Freudian Psychoanalysts
Evaluating Psychodynamic Theories: 390-391: Evaluating Freud’s Legacy
Unit 2. Behaviorism, Learning and Memory: 18-19, Chapter 5, 398-399, 429-430.
Introduction: 18-19: The Behavioral Perspective
Classical Conditioning: 169-175
Principles of Classical Conditioning
Preparedness: 175
Timing: 171
Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery in Classical Conditioning: 173-174
Generalization and Discrimination in Classical Conditioning: 174
Higher Order Conditioning
Experimental Neurosis
Operant Conditioning: 177-186
Reinforcement and Punishment: 178-180
Positive and Negative Reinforcements. 180
The power of Positive Reinforcement
Primary and Secondary Reinforcements. 179
Punishment: 180
Principles of Operant Conditioning
Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery
Generalization and Discrimination: 184
Schedules of Reinforcement: 182-184
Shaping: 186
Superstitious Conditioning
Pros and Cons of Punishment: 181-182
Learned Helplessness: 429-430
Personality: 398-399
Social Learning Theory: 194-196: Observational Learning
Culture and Learning: 197-198: Exploring Diversity
Memory: xxxvi-xlix, Chapter 6
Textbook Learning and Memory:
Levels of Processing: 219-220
Rehearsal: 209
Active Responding
State Dependence:
Sensory Modality
Chunking. 208
Distribution of Practice:
Primacy and Recency: 230: Proactive and Retroactive Interference
Flashbulb Memories: 221-222
Mnemonics: 209
Memory Reconstruction: 222-224: Constructive Processes in Memory
Forgetting: 229-230: Why We Forget
Improving memory: xxxvi-xlix, 233-234
Unit 3. Humanism:19, 293-294, 404-406, 507-509
Introduction: 19: The Humanist Perspective
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: 293-294
Carl Rogers and Client Centered Therapy: 507-509: Humanistic Therapy
Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Unit 4. Cognitive Psychology: 10, Chapter 7
Introduction: 19: The Cognitive Perspective:
Mental Images: 241-242
Algorithms and Heuristics: 243-245
Solving Problems: 245-253
Representation of the Problem: 246-248: Preparation, Understanding and Diagnosing Problems
Solutions: 248-251: Production: Generating Solutions
Obstacles to Problem Solving: 251-253: Impediments to Solutions
Logical Fallacies:
False Cause
Drawing Cause from Correlation
Affirming the Consequent
Confirmation Bias: 252-253: Inaccurate Evaluation of Solutions
Language, Thought and Culture. 259-262: Understanding Language Acquisition
Animals: 262
Creativity and Problem Solving: 253-255
Intelligence: 266-282
Theories of Intelligence: 267-272
Intelligence Tests: 272-279: Assessing Intelligence
- Which number should come next in the pattern?
37, 34, 31, 28
- Find the answer that best completes the analogy:
Book is to Reading as Fork is to:
- drawing
- writing
- stirring
- eating
- Find two words, one from each group, that are the closest in meaning:
Group A
talkative, job, ecstatic
Group B
angry, wind, loquacious
- talkative and wind
- job and angry
- talkative and loquacious
- ecstatic and angry
- Which of the following can be arranged into a 5-letter English word?
- H R G S T
- R I L S A
- T O O M T
- W Q R G S
Heredity, Environment and Intelligence: 280-282
Unit 5. Biology: 17, Chapter 2, 213-215
Introduction. 17: The Neuroscience Perspective
Neural Plasticity and Neurogenesis: 77-78
The Organization of the Nervous System: 60-62
Autonomic Nervous System: 62-63
Endocrine System: 64-66
The Cerebral Cortex: 73-77
The Central Core: 70-73
The Limbic System: 72-73
Memory: 213-215: The Neuroscience of Memory
Consciousness: What is it and where is it located in the brain???
Hemispheric Specialization: 78-81
Neurons and Neurotransmitters: 51-58
Tools for Studying the Brain: 68-70: Studying the Brain’s Structure and Functions
Unit 6. Overview: Chapter 1, 63-64
Theoretical Perspectives: 8-9, 16-19
Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Humanism, Cognitive Psychology, Biology, Evolutionary Psychology, Multicultural Psychology, Positive Psychology, Behavioral Genetics, Clinical Neuropsychology
Research Methods: 26-38, 43-44
Case Study, Survey, Observation, Correlation, Experiment
Research Ethics: 40-43
Unit 7. Consciousness and Its Altered States: 90-92, 116-126, Chapter 4, 330, 401-402
Sensory Thresholds, Subliminal Perception, Extrasensory Perception: 90-92, 125-126
Perception: 116-126
Characteristics of Altered States of Consciousness
Drug Altered Consciousness: 152-163
Behavioral Genetics: 330. 401-402
Dreams and Sleep: 133-145
Hypnosis and Meditation: 147-151
Unit 8. Stress and Coping. 81-82, Chapter 11
Stress – The General Adaptation Syndrome: 426-427
Stress and the Immune System: 427: Psychoneuroimmunology and Stress
Stress and Illness: 423-425: The High Cost of Stress; 434-439
Stressors – Sources of Stress: 421-423
Extreme Stressors
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Personality and Stress: 429-430: Learned Helplessness, The Hardy Personality
Coping With Stress 428-429, 431-432
Socioeconomic and Gender Differences:
Stress Reduction Techniques.
Biofeedback: 81-82
Unit 9. Psychological Disorders: Chapter 12
Defining Abnormality: 453-454
Perspectives on Psychological Disorders: 455-458
The DSM: 458-460, 487
Schizophrenia: 474-478
Mood Disorders: 470-474
Anxiety Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, Dissociative Disorders: 463-470
Personality Disorders 479-480
Childhood Disorders: 480-481
Unit 10. Therapies: Chapter 13
Insight Therapies: 496-498, 507-510
Cognitive Therapies: 502-505
Behavior Therapies: 498-502
Effectiveness of Therapy: 510-513
Culture and Therapy: 513
Biological Treatments: 515-520
Prevention: 521-523
Unit 11. Developmental Psychology: Chapter 9
Prenatal Environmental Influences: 337-338
The Newborn: 340-344
Attachment: 344-348: Development of Social Behavior
Parent-Child Relationships: 248-250: Parenting Styles and Social Development
Personal-Social Development: Erik Erikson: 350-351, 362-366
Cognitive Development: 351-356
Moral Development: 360-362
Stages of Grief and Loss: 377-378
Unit 12. Social Psychology: Chapter 14
Attitudes: Formation and Modification: 529-534
Attribution Processes: 347-350
Prejudice and Overcoming Prejudice: 549-553
Social Protest
Cognitive Dissonance: 532-533
Groupthink: 542-543
Obedience to Authority: 546-547
The Stanford Prison Experiment: 543-544: Conformity to Social Roles
Compliance: 544-546
Social Cognition: 534-539
Liking and Loving: 555-558
Gender/ Gender Role: a modern view
Aggression: 559-561, 564
Helping Behavior vs. Bystander Apathy: 561-563
War and Peace
What factors contribute to the development of the least aggressive, most helpful, and, hopefully, the most psychologically healthy person?
Course Summary:
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