Introduction Discussion
- Due Jan 26, 2023 by 11:59pm
- Points 5
- Submitting a discussion post
Hi everyone!
In this discussion, please answer the following questions and prompts and respond to at least 1 of your classmate’s posts. Be sure to use your best college writing and spell-check your answers before submitting. Each answer must be a complete sentence, but not more than three sentences.
To post your response to the prompts, click the "reply" button below. You can comment on classmates' posts by clicking the "Reply" button on their post. Please post early in the discussion period and write at least one meaningful Reply to a classmate’s post. A "meaningful reply" advances a discussion by asking a question or adding to a topic. (Posting a Reply like "I agree!" or "Nice post" would not count as a meaningful reply.)
In order to receive full points for the discussion, be sure to make the assigned number of posts, spell-check and proofread before posting, and the content and message in your response is clear.
1. Why did you decide to take Pilates?
2. Describe your experience with Pilates. None is an acceptable answer if it fits!
3. What do you like to do in your free time?
Points | Criteria |
5 | Answers all 3 questions in complete sentences and responds to 1 classmate. |
4 | Answers 2 questions in complete sentences and responds to 1 classmate |
3 | Answers 3 questions in complete sentences and does not respond to one classmate. |
2 | Answers 0 questions or does not write (or speak) in complete sentences |
1 | Answers 1 question or responds to 1 classmate |
0 | Answers 0 questions and 0 responses. |