Course Syllabus

Santa Rosa Junior College
Health Sciences Department
Summer 2021


HLC 160 – Section 8299                                       Instructor: Ron Redmon
Mon/Wed – 6:30 – 10:00 pm                                 Cell   (707) 529-2457     



Communication: The best way to contact me between classes is by text at the number above.     I encourage you to put my number in your contacts right now;


Office Hours:  I am available by phone before and after class (Monday and Thursday  6:00 to 6:30 and 10:00 to 10:30), by arrangement.                                                                       

Textbook:   “Medical Terminology: A Living Language” Seventh Edition by Fremgen and Frucht


Also Required:  Ready access to computer, internet, and printer


Academic Calendar:

Date Class Begins: 6/13/22

Date Class Ends: 8/8/22

No Class 7/4/2022 for Independence Day observance


Course Description:   A textbook/workbook approach to the study of the language of medicine.  A basic study of words that relate to body systems, anatomical structures, medical processes, procedures, and diseases.

Course Objectives:
1. To analyze the structure and meanings of medical words, root words, prefixes, and suffixes.

2.  To relate medical terms to basic human anatomy, physiology, pathology, and medical processes and procedures.
3.  To correctly spell, pronounce, and abbreviate medical terms.

Assignments and Tests

1. Complete Chapter Review Exercises weekly (NOT “Real World Applications” unless you want to. These are helpful but not assigned.) Review Exercises will be checked on at our Zoom meeting on August 4th.

Flash cards, or the electronic equivalent (can be found on various websites like “” and some have phone apps. These will also be checked August 4th.

Chapter Reviews are worth a total of 25 points, Flashcards are 10 points.

2.  Three written assignments will be given (20 points each).

3.  At least one chapter will be completed in lecture in each class session,
and a quiz will be given each class starting on the third session (quizzes will open on Canvas after class and stay open for five days.)
4. Final Exam will open on Canvas on Wednesday August 4th after class and close on Tuesday Aug 10th. Final exam covers the whole course.  No midterm exam.


Missed Classes -The campus policy on attendance is that students are expected to attend all sessions of a course.  Students can be dropped if 10% of the course is missed or if they miss the first 2 sessions of the course.  Excessive absences are 3 summer sessions missed, and 3 or more absences will affect students’ grades.  (See Student Handbook).  Missing the first two class sessions will also result in a drop from the class.


My attendance policy reflects the level of commitment required in healthcare:  don’t miss class!   If your internet connection is not super reliable, find a way to improve it, including going to a place with reliable internet for our class meetings.   If you are not connected when I call role or when I call on you in class it will count as an absence


    Be healthy!  Take good care of yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially.  Stop or cut down on toxic habits and time-wasters; you know what those are for you. (Play is not a “time-waster”!)   Eat, sleep, exercise, love, sing, dance, etc!  Be good to yourself and be well!  If you are sick with a fever and/or feel you are contagious, stay home and let me know how you are doing and to plan make-ups.    


Punctuality:  Please be in your seat ready to participate fully in class when class starts.  In order to do that, it’s best to plan on being early so that when delays happen you can still be on time.  Again, this is just good practice for a career in healthcare.  We don’t have the luxury of showing up late without real consequences on other people.  This also applies to returning from breaks.  Coming in late is distracting and disrespectful to the rest of the class.   Plan an extra ten minutes at the beginning of each class in case you have connectivity problems, etc.   I like to reward good attendance and punctuality.  Some of the assignments may be done in class which will make them much easier.  Also, just for fun I sometimes give free quiz answers to those who are ready for class on time and who don’t leave early!  


Missed classes and tardies can hurt your grade.  As stated above, you can be dropped from the class if you miss the first two sessions or 10% of the class time.  A third tardy (coming to class or back from break) is counted the same as an absence and can also affect your grade.  

Grades:  Grades will be based on points earned on quizzes, assignments, final exam, workbook, and flashcards.  Final grade will be based on percentage of total possible points.
     I do not give out progress reports on grades during the semester. If you want to know what grade you are getting before final grades are given at the end of the semester, keep your own record of your total points on assignments and quizzes.





Grading                          Work                            Points
A =     90-100%               Quizzes                                  25 points ea. X 14=350                      

B =     80-89%                 Ch. Review Exercises      25 points (fully completed)

C =     70-79%                 Final Exam                        100 points
D =     60-69%                 Flashcards                        10 points
F =     Below 60%            Assignments (3)                20 points each = 60 points

                                          Total                                   545


Note:  Because of the important nature of our knowledge in Health Care, your grades must always be “C” or better (70%) if this class is required for entrance in a training program.


Note on the note:  Never aim or settle for “minimum”!    In fact, in this course you can choose now what grade you want to get, and I believe you can do it!  The work will be straightforward and after the first week you will see how much study it will take for you to get an “A” on your quizzes. You can then adjust your study time and techniques to achieve your goal.  I will be happy to give EVERYONE  an “A” if you earn it… extremely happy!    


Quizzes:  Starting the second class session there will be a quiz on at least one chapter EVERY WEEK  at the start of class.  The will include matching, multiple choice, True/False, and fill-in.  You will be writing out the English meaning for medical words and the medical meaning for English words.    


Reading:  Be sure to have your reading done BEFORE you come to class on the date it is assigned for lecture.  Be prepared to read the text more than once for adequate study.  Take notes as you read.  Answer your own questions whenever possible; and it’s almost always possible.  Bring remaining questions AND interesting points to class.  When I study I keep my laptop open to a search engine for anything I wasn’t to look up; so it will make sense to me or even if it’s just interesting.  If human anatomy and physiology is not interesting to you, you may be heading toward the wrong career(!)  


Chapter Review Exercises -  At the end of each chapter are exercises that are well-designed to help you learn your terminology.  Do all of the “PRACTICE EXERCISES” AND “LABELING EXERCISES” in each chapter after you read it.   These will be checked for completion only at the end of the semester, not handed in.   At that time, fully completed Chapter Exercises will be worth 25 points.

*****THE SECTIONS CALLED “REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS” that include charting exercises and case studies ARE NOT REQUIRED*****.    


Self-directed study -  The Case Studies (Real World Aplication) are recommended if you have the time.  If you see a case study that you are interested in, you may also bring it to class.  In fact, bring in interesting stuff from any source, for example if you or someone you know has had an injury or condition that pertains to our study.  Bring it to the lecture time to which it most closely applies.  Let me know at the start of class and we will discuss it as time allows.  

     Study using the internet - as you go through the textbook, check online anytime you have a question, are vague about the topic, or are curious about a topic!!  Also look up pronunciation as needed. 

    Please also bring in other things you think may be helpful to the class; websites, study tools, phone apps, etc.  LEARNING IS A GREAT TEAM SPORT!



The Final Exam will be all multiple choice.  It will be 50 questions, and points doubled to score a total of 100.


Flashcards are one of your main study tools.  They can be done on actual 3X5 cards (or whatever size you like), on sheets of paper with a word on each line (like our Anatomical Root Word Sheet), or in an electronic form on a computer or phone.  As you learn them, it’s a good idea to begin separating them or highlighting them so you spend your time studying the ones you don’t know as well.  If you know a word for sure – like most of you will know “cardi/o” – you may not need to make a flashcard for it at all.   As with the Chapter Review Exercises, the flashcards will be checked at the end of the semester for your 10 points.  


Written Assignments – Three written assignments will be done this semester, 20 points each.  None of them will require worrying!   :>)

     See Schedule for Due dates


#1)  Left/Right Brain Comparison – This assignment will familiarize you with the differences in the thinking of people who predominantly the left side of their brain (logical, analytical) vs the right side (intuitive, creative).  This will help you gain awareness of the differences in the ways people think and how to work together better. 


#2)  Empathic listening – In health care, creating trusting relationships with co-workers and patients is a critical skill.  A patient, for example, is much less inclined to follow their treatment plan if they don’t trust the healthcare team.  Listening with care will make the difference for you.  This assignment has the latest in communication theory and will sharpen your listening skills.  The instruction  sheet will be handed out on  JUNE 20th and the assignment will be completed and handed in on July 2nd.


#3) Forgiveness  -  This assignment will help you understand the health benefits of forgiveness, and will provide practice in the act of forgiving.   Knowing how to forgive is essential to building long-term relationships. 


Our Class environment – We will be creating a powerful learning environment that will serve as a model for your input on future classes and workplaces.  

    Our class “culture” will be built on caring and respect for each person.  This means what each of us believes, thinks, says, and does will be respected.  This will be balanced by each individual submitting our needs to the needs of the group.  For example, it’s important for each of us to be able to express ourselves honestly to the class, but if one person’s words or actions could be detrimental to relationships or performance of our class functions, that person will get feedback that will help them in the future.  I reserve “official” disciplinary correction to a very rare instance when a person doesn’t correct an area in which they have already received feedback.

    Optimum learning takes place in an environment of safety, freedom, creativity, and fun.  We will have all of the above!


Integrity is not optional in healthcare.  There is no room for breaches of academic honesty or any other kinds of integrity.  If you observe dishonesty in the actions of another student, your integrity demands it be reported.  This standard will apply throughout your healthcare training and career.    I expect no lapses in our integrity.  Please commit now to being 100% honest and supporting that with your classmates.  I have had to handle (a very few) incidents of academic dishonesty and unless I see immediate changes or if my colleagues help me decide otherwise, I will usually drop the student from the class, and a report goes into their academic record.  

    Appearance of dishonesty may not be distinguishable from actual dishonesty.  I have assignment and quiz result cross-checks available.   Please do not mistake my casual classroom atmosphere for one in which you can get away with dishonesty.

A student can be dropped from the class for a single act of dishonesty, and that has been done.  I make such decisions with the input of the Dean of Health Sciences.  

      There is a grievance system in place in case you feel you are being treated unfairly.  (See Student Handbook)  As is the best practice in all work and educational settings, your first step is to communicate directly with the person you have the problem with.  If you don’t feel your problem has been solved, there is a grievance system.  (See Student Handbook) 


Feedback – We all need it!  The more mutual caring we can express to one another, the safer we will feel in giving and receiving feedback.  I will need and welcome your feedback!   For example, if I miss any information that you need in the syllabus, and assignment, or during class, please say so!  

    The most effective feedback goes straight back to the person who needs it.   Being caring may require that be done in private.  Feedback can easily be distinguished from complaining and gossip.  With feedback, the information is going where it will help.   In complaining and gossip it’s going to others who can’t change the problem.  Good feedback unites us, complaining and gossip divides.   I want your feedback!  I am here to serve you in your education.  I've been doing this for a long time and much of my success has been based on getting feedback from my students and acting on it!  I like us ALL to be part of a continuous process of improvement for this course.


Here is a summary of my philosophy:


Be Real.  Who you are is just right!  I will be sure to tell you that multiple times!  We often get caught up in meeting others’ expectations and worrying that we won’t.  We will consciously break that pattern in our class and build a team that cares for one another.  When we have one another’s backs, we can really express who we are and make the world a better place.  The world needs YOU and not somebody else’s idea of who you should be.  


Be Together.  Healthcare has a reputation for being a burnout profession.  This is unfortunately accurate in many workplace cultures.  It is NOT a “normal” part of our profession.   When we create healthy relationships we live and work in a network of support, not a place where people sink or swim on their own.  That will be true of our class too.


Be Inspired.  Engage life with your heart and not just with your mind.  In fact, we are much healthier and happier when we make choices more from our intuition, wisdom, love, and faith than by facts.  Information should serve inspiration, not substitute for it.  For nearly a century healthcare has been shifting toward a purely scientific base.  In western medicine we are now masters of the pill and the knife.  Healthcare professionals are seen more as technicians than anything else.  Healthcare is not just science, it is also an art, and I believe the scientist in us should follow the lead of the artist in us.  

    I believe you are here on purpose, and that you have a lot to offer others as a healthcare professional.  If I see otherwise, I will tell you!  I hope to help every person I have contact with to find their truest path in life.  That will not only help that person find fulfillment, it will help that person change the world for the better.

    There is no one else like you!  Be FULLY YOU!



     I’m so glad you are in my class!   I love teaching and getting to know my students.  We will all benefit from you sharing who you are and what you bring to class with you!