Course Syllabus

Syllabus for ESL 781 Transitional Reading, Writing, & Grammar

Santa Rosa Junior College   Spring 2022    Teacher: Beth Power      Section #5162

Email    Office: by appointment

Jan 19-May 19    TWTh 6:30-8:30     Zoom & independent work

Welcome to class! This is the transition from non-credit to credit classes at Santa Rosa Junior College. We will practice academic reading, developing clear organized sentences into meaningful paragraphs, learning specific skills and grammar in context. For each hour of class, there will be an equal amount of homework. You will have tests, homework, and vocabulary journal for each unit in the texts. The 2 required texts are Pathways 1 Reading, Writing & Critical Thinking, 2nd edition and Azar, Fundamentals of English Grammar Student Book A, 5th ed. We will also read a novel, Seedfolks. Your final grade will be based on your class participation, writing assignments, tests including final, homework completion, and vocabulary journals. It is your responsibility to come to each class on time, prepared and ready to learn. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to complete class and homework assignments before the next class. To learn a lot and pass the class: do your homework and don't be absent!

Attendance Policy

Learning a language requires regular attendance and focused work. The skills learned in one class will be used in later classes. SRJC policy: students who are absent more than 10% of class time—10 hours— may be dropped from this course. Also, tardiness affects your grade. When you are tardy, you miss important information, you disrupt your classmates and your professor, and you lose the chance to turn in your homework. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find the assignment and complete it.

 Contact Study buddies to review class work:

Name:                                                                         Contact: Phone/email

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Academic Integrity

Plagiarism means misrepresenting another person’s work as your own work, including the work of other students and online & published material. Having someone else extensively edit or revise your writing is also a form of plagiarism. Collaborating on or copying of tests or homework in whole or in part will be considered an act of academic dishonesty and may result in a grade of 0 for that test or assignment. Students are encouraged to share information and ideas, but not their work. I hope no one feels the need to plagiarize. 
SRJC Writing Center Lessons on plagiarism:


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Take responsibility for own learning

  1. Apply critical thinking skills to respond to adapted selections of fiction and nonfiction
  2. Apply the writing process to produce organized paragraphs that reflect critical thinking, incorporate academic content and demonstrate grammatical control at an appropriate level.
  3. Comprehend low intermediate reading passages by identifying organizational strategies, summarizing and using main ideas and details to support writing assignments
  4. Word-process paragraphs and access information on the Internet
  5. Utilize meta-cognitive thinking skills in learning and studying processes
  6. Utilize SRJC resources and services to realize academic goals
  7. Employ the writing process to produce multi-draft paragraphs that consist of a clear topic sentence, supporting details and a concluding sentence on relevant topics covered in class
  8. Recognize and produce different genres of academic writing, such as descriptive/narrative, compare/contrast and expository modes
  9. Utilize level-appropriate critical thinking skills in developing and supporting a topic sentence
  10. Complete in-class, timed paragraphs in response to a reading
  11. Edit papers for specific grammar points
  12. Integrate academic language into paragraphs
  13. Demonstrate some sentence variety in writing
  14. Demonstrate level-appropriate control of sentence structure and boundaries
  15. Demonstrate level-appropriate control of verb tenses, spelling and punctuation 
  16. Do not plagiarize. Paraphrase or credit your sources.