Course Syllabus

ESHIP 101                                          


Santa Rosa Junior College 

PDF version of this Syllabus: Syllabus for ESHIP 101-Spr 2022.pdf 

ESHIP 101                                          

INNOVATION/Section 4120

Santa Rosa Junior College 


Class day/time

Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:00PM


Michele Chaboudy, MBA, MLS


415 694 2410


   My consulting practice



Office  Hours

  Mondays on Zoom 4:30 - 6 PM and by appt.  

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Survey and examine the various forms and types of creativity and innovations -- ideas, ventures, organizations, social and cultural movements.

2. Describe the roots, keys, and sources of creative and innovative business concepts.

3. Identify the drivers behind successful entrepreneurs and start-ups


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate how to apply creativity and design thinking in developing innovations both as an individual and as part of a team.

2. Understand and experience how innovation is essentially a creative problem solving capability that is applied to a wide variety of opportunities and challenges.

3. Understand why innovation is based on doing, not thinking about doing.

4. Understand the fundamental elements of a business model canvas and its role in the innovation process.

5. Learn how to use story telling and alternative scenarios as communication vehicles.

Topics and Scope

1. Defining Innovation

    A. Philosophy/Types

    B. Historic perspective 

    C. Role of technology

2. Creativity and the Innovation Process

    A. The innovation engine

    B. Fostering creativity/creative cultures

    C. Identification of drivers

3. Lean start-up model

    A. Data mining, surveys, interviews

    B. Assessing and testing along the way

4. Design Thinking

    A. Customer-centered design

    B. Determining design constraints and requirements

5. Market Validation

    A. Customer Profiles

    B. Value Proposition Canvas

    C. Story telling and alternative scenarios

6. Community building/team building

    A. How to share

    B. Learn by doing

    C. Manage expectations

Suggested reading list

  • Value Proposition Design by Osterwalder and Pigneur
  • The Myths of Innovation by Scott Berkun
  • Dance of the Possible by Scott Berkun
  • InGenius by Tina Seelig, PhD
  • The Little Black Book of Innovation by Scott D. Anthony
  • Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good by Ann Mei Chang
  • Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

How to communicate

Please check your Canvas profile regularly as all class material, announcements, changes of schedule and important information will be sent through Canvas. If you don't know how to access Canvas, please open the following link Your instructor will also send the next class assignments via email as well as post in canvas.   

Class Requirements

  • Arrive on time.  Arriving late is disrespectful to your fellow classmates as well as to your instructor. 
  • Your presence in the zoom class is required and important for learning the class material and supporting your team project.  If you need to miss a class, please email me at or call me at 415 694 2410. It is critical to be present in class to support your team members as your presentation points are awarded to your team as a whole, rather than to each member. Please turn off cell phones.  Limit use of laptop and tablets during class. 
  • All assignments must be turned in through Canvas on a word document by 6 PM on class due date. Assignments turned in after deadline will receive zero points unless personally given a later time by the instructor, due to health or family emergency reasons.
  • Please review class assignments and plan accordingly.

Zoom rules

Be fully present

It’s perfectly fine to work on the couch, the patio, or even the bed. Comfort is important, and sometimes, the only quiet place in the house might be inside a closet or your car. But wherever you work, the expectations are the same: sit up straight and engage the camera with your eyes, the same way you would with any person speaking to you.

No to pajamas. Yes to shirts

Even though we’ll meet on Zoom, it’s still a day at college. Please get dressed and be ready for the day like a college student. And sorry, shirtless dudes will be dismissed.

Cameras ON

All students are expected to leave their cameras on during class. Unless there’s something weird or private happening, deactivated cameras aren’t ok.

Treat online class like classroom class

Students aren’t permitted to eat while engaged in videoconferencing, there should be no cell phones out, and no other apps or video games running on your computer. You’re in class.


Mics need to be on during class discussions. So please be sure to find a quiet spot where we can hear you clearly without background noise. Mute your mic if you can't be in a quiet environment and when asked to do so.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope all is well with you and your family and hope to see you in person soon!

Academic Integrity

Santa Rosa Junior College holds that its primary function is the development of intellectual curiosity, integrity, and accomplishment in an atmosphere that upholds the principles of academic freedom. All members of the academic community - student, faculty, staff, and administrator - must assume responsibility for providing an environment of the highest standards, characterized by a spirit of academic honesty and mutual respect. Because personal accountability is inherent in an academic community of integrity, this institution will not tolerate or ignore any form of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is regarded as any act of deception, benign or malicious in nature, in the completion of any academic exercise. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, impersonation, misrepresentation of idea or fact for the purpose of defrauding, use of unauthorized aids or devices, falsifying attendance records, violation of testing protocol, inappropriate course assignment collaboration, and any other acts that are prohibited by the instructor of record. For more information please open the following link:

Special Needs

Students with disabilities who believe they need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disability Resources (527-4278), as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.


  1.  4  Individual Writing Assignments
  2.  2  Progress Team Presentations
  3.  1  Final Team Presentation
  4.   Class Participation















Letter grades are assigned as followed, based on the points earned from the assignments. If you have any questions regarding scoring, please bring it up to me within a week of receipt.


90 - 100 Points


80 - 89 Points


70 - 79 Points


60 - 69 Points


59 points or below



Course Schedule




Assignments Due



Course Introduction/get to know everyone

What is innovation/ entrepreneurship?

Brainstorming exercise/ideas to solve a problem

Gratitude Journaling


Review Canvas instruction for students.

You will be on a team project which takes a serious commitment for the entire course. Be ready to share an idea for your team project—something you are working on now or you’ve been wanting to develop.



Innovation Engine: Tina Seelig

Innovation Part 1: Discovering Opportunities

Awareness exercise

Team selections


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Written assignment #1: Where Are You?

Read pdf: Developing New Products and Services/chapter 6.




Innovation Part 2: Blueprinting ideas

Scott Berkun: Myths of Innovation

A closer look at the Entrepreneur Mindset

Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Prepare for first team progress presentation






Innovation Part 3: Assess/test ideas

Interviewing skills

Let’s talk about Why:  Simon Sinek



Write in gratitude journal

Written Assignment #2: Awareness

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Prepare for first team progress  presentation






Market Validation: Bus.Model Canvas

Team Project Presentation #1

Team project time


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Team project presentation #1




Story-telling basics

How to interview prospects

How to counter rejection

Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Conduct team project interviews



Market validation:Business Model Canvas review—add to team project

Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Conduct team project interviews/start story development




A look at Blue Ocean strategy

Written Assignment #3 discussion:

how to jump start ideas


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Conduct team project interviews







Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Find an example of a company using Blue Ocean Strategy



Present Blue Ocean examples

Innovations with social impact

Alternative scenarios for seeing ahead

Team project time


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Written Assignment #3




Team Project Presentations #2

SWOT applied to innovation

Ready, Aim Fire: Rob Adams

Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Team Project Presentation #2




Improv for entrepreneurs

Business Model Canvas Review

Written Assignment #4 discussion: case analysis

Team project time


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Team project interviews




What exactly is market validation: Rob Adams

Team project time

Online research: Start ups online inside or outside US


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Written Assignment #4

Team project interviews




Design Thinking exercise

Alternative scenarios: your project

Present a start up  you find online

Team project time


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, videos

Select a start up outside US to present

Team project interviews




Elevator pitches

Fund raising 

Story telling review

Team project time


Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, articles, ,videos

Team project interviews

Work on business Model Canvas for team project

15 5/10/2022

Masters of Innovation

Innovation Engine examples

Team project time

Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, videos

Work on final presentations incorporating business model canvas and story telling

16 5/17/2022 Final team presentations

Write in gratitude journal

Assigned blogs, videos

Work on presentations

17 5/24/2022 Final team presentations Work on presentations