Course Syllabus



Economics 19th ed - McConnell, Brue, Flynn (MB)

Economics 7th ed - McEacheren (Mc)



Week 1 - Week 6:  Reading Material for Exam  #1(100ps)  (dates are approximations)

Limits, Alternatives, and Choices - (1,2 - MB), (1,2,3) Mc),     - ( Videos 1 - 6)

Economic Growth (25 MB), (21 Mc),  (Videos 7 - 9)

  • Complete Production Possibilities Assignment

Market Failures: Public Goods and Externalities  (5, MB), (16, 17 Mc), - (Videos 1 - 6)

Public Finance: Expenditures and Taxes (16 MB). (24 Mc),  - (Videos 7 - 14)

  • Complete Tax Assignment

GDP Analysis - (24 MB) , (22 Mc), (Videos - watch the Youtube Videos)

  • Complete Sector Size Assignment
  • Complete National Defense Assignment
  • Complete International Trade Assignment


  • Complete Federal Reserve Research Assignment
  • Complete Intelligence Squared Debate Analysis

 Mid - Term #1 (100 points, 100 minutes)

Estimated Required Time for Module 1 -

Read 5 (MB)- 7 Chapters (Mc)- 2 hours per chapter - 10 - 14 hours

Intelligence Squared Debate Analysis - 4 hours

Complete 4 Research Assignments - 2 hours per assignment = 8 hours

Tax Assignment and Production Possibilities Assignment - 1 hour each = 2 hours

14 Wegman Videos -  15.25 hours

6 - 7 Office Hour Videos - 2 hours each = 12 -14 hours 

Total Estimated Required Hours For Module 1 =  approximately 50 hours 

SRJC Estimated Time - 9 hours per week - 54 - 63 hours

There are many recommended videos - time to watch all of them = 3 hours



Week 7 - Week 10:  Reading Material for Exam #2 - (100pts)

Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation (26 MB), (22,23 Mc), 

Economic Growth (25 MB), (21Mc), 

Basic Macroeconomic Relationships (27 MB)( 20, 24, 25, 26 Mc),  (Videos 1 - 6)

The Aggregate Demand - Aggregate Supply Model (28MB), ( 20, 24, 25, 26 Mc),

  • Complete Keynesian Theory Assignment - Focus on Graphs

Inflation Analysis - (24MB), (20, 23 Mc), (Videos 7,8)

  • Complete Inflation Calculations Assignment


Mid - Term #2 - (100 points, 100 minutes)

Estimated Required Time for Module #2

Read 5 Chapters - 2 hours per chapter- 10  hours

Intelligence Squared Debate Analysis - 3 hours

Research Assignments - 0

Keynesian Theory Graphs - Preparation - 1 hour

Keynesian Algebra - 1 hour

Inflation Assignment - 1 hour

8 Wegman Videos - 8 hours

4 Office Hour Videos - 1 hour each =  4 hours

Total Estimated Required Hours For Module 2 = 28 - 30 hours

SRJC Estimated Time - 9 hours per week = 36 hours

There are many recommended videos - time to watch all of them = 2 hours



Week 11 - Week 15:  Reading Material for Exam #3 (100pts)

Basic Macroeconomic Relationships  - (28, 29), ( 20, 24, 25, 26 Mc), 

  • Continue to Focus on Graphs
  • Chapter 30 - Fiscal Policy, Deficits, and Debt (30MB), (27, 31, 32 Mc), (Videos 1 -9)
  • Complete Keynesian Theory Assignment - Shifting Curves

Mid - Term #3 - (100 points, 100 minutes)

Estimated Required Time For Module #3

Read 3 - 7 Chapters - 2 hours per chapter =  6 - 14 hours

Intelligence Squared Debates -  4 hours

Research Assignments - 0

Keynesian Problem Sets - 4 - 5 hours

Revising Graphs - 3 hours

9 Wegman Videos - 8 hours

4 Office Hours Videos - 2 hours each = 8 hours

Total Estimated Required Hours For Module 3 = 42 hours

SRJC Estimated Time - 9 hours per week = 36 hours - 45 hours

There are many recommended videos - time to watch all of them = 40 minutes



Mid - Term #Week 16 - Week 17:  Reading Material for Final Exam (160 pts - cumulative exam!!)

Chapter 31 - Money, Banking, and Financial Institutions. (31,32, 33 MB), (29, 30 Mc), (Videos 1 -12)

Final Examination - Cumulative - (160 points, 120 minutes)

Read 2 - 3 Chapters - 2 hours per chapter = 6 hours

Intelligence Squared Debate - 4 hours

Research Assignments = 0

Monetary Policy Problem Sets = 2 hours

Revising Graphs = 1 hours

12 Wegman Videos = 10 hours

2 Office Hour Videos - 2 hours each = 4 hours

Total Estimated Required Hours For Module 4 - Final Exam = 27 hours

SRJC Estimated Time - 9 hours per week = 18 hours

"Dead Week" before final exams begin (this is the week between the last lecture of the semester and the day of the final exam)

There are many recommended videos - time to watch all of them = 32 minutes




Course Summary:

Date Details Due