Course Syllabus

Elementary Nutrition (FDNT 10):  Section 1865

TuTh 9:00-10:30 AM  3 Units  Fall 2019

 This course is an introductory nutrition course designed to help you learn about the basic science of the chemicals that are in foods (or what are called nutrients), how the human body uses these nutrients, what foods are good sources of these nutrients, and how to plan your diet to be optimally healthy.  You will also learn how the needs for these nutrients change depending on your age and your physiology (e.g. pregnancy, physical activity, etc.).  And finally, learn how the world is changing with respect to your food supply and what the implications are for your diet and health. 

By the end of this course you will have learned to…


  • Determine nutritional adequacy of a given diet and make scientifically appropriate recommendations for improvement for health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Critically evaluate consumer nutrition issues.
  • Use scientific principles to evaluate emerging nutrition information and nutrition fads.


This course is UC/CSU transferable and fulfills an Area C (Natural Science) requirement for an Associate Degree at Santa Rosa Junior College.  It also fulfills requirements for the Dental Hygiene/Assisting, ADN/VN programs at SRJC.  


Instructor:        Heather Gilardi M.S., R.D.N.       

Office:                   500T Plover Temporary



Office Hours:                 

Tu                         8:30 - 9:00 am

Th                         8:30 - 9:00 am

                                             or by appointment


Required Text and Supplies:


Nutrition Concepts and Controversies (15th Edition) by F. Sizer and E. Whitney, Wadsworth-Cengage Learning.

Online diet analysis program  (Diet and Wellness Plus) or use of the diet analysis program (DietAnalysis+ 9.0) in the Maggini Business computer lab (2nd floor).                                   

Scantron cards, #2 pencils for exams for all exams

                                             Calculator (in class and for exams)


Learning Activities:


               Assignments                                                                    125

                              Ten         10 point assignments

                              One        25 point assignment

               Food Record and Dietary Analysis                                 100

               Mid-term Exams (3)           75 pts each                          225

               Final Exam (cumulative)                                                 125


Total                                                                                 575        points


Grading Policy:


               Your final grade will be assigned according to the following:

                              A = 90% or more of total points

                              B = 80-89%  of total points

                              C = 70-79%  of total points

                              D = 60-69%  of total points or less than 60% on the Final exam

                              F = less than 60% of total points or less than 50% on the Final exam


Your Responsibilities:

  1. Come to class ready to learn.
  2. Be willing to discuss and ask questions about the nutrition concepts and issues we cover. Also be open-minded and willing to work with others in class.
  3. Bring your reader to every class so you can participate in projects that will help you to actively learn how to make your diet healthier.
  4. The more assignments you complete the more you’ll learn about how to improve your diet, so I’d recommend you complete them all.
  5. All exams are cumulative meaning that you’ll constantly be adding to your knowledge of nutrition. If you need to miss an exam PLEASE talk with me, in person, prior to the scheduled exam.  There is NO make up for the Final Exam. 
  6. 6. Please put your phones away during class AND turn off the ringer, if you have to be “connected” please use the vibrate option. Note:  In some classes you’re required to bring homemade cookies for the whole class if your cell phone rings, perhaps in this class we’ll make it carrots or fresh fruit….
  7. If you decide not to take the class, hopefully you’ll talk with me first, but it is important that YOU drop the class through the Admission & Records office or online.
  8. Have you read the Santa Rosa Junior College Student Conduct Standards ( As a registered student in this course this is what will be expected from you.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due