Course Syllabus

Psych 03 - An Introduction to Human Sexuality



Professor Contact Information

Name: Dr. J. Davis Mannino

Office Telephone: 707- 524 -1742


Office 1544 - First Floor - Emeritus Hall- Santa Rosa Campus

To learn more about your professor "click name" -  Dr. J. Davis Mannino



Welcome to the Syllabus page. The syllabus page is like a car engine! Everything evolves around it. As a car would not work without an engine, so an online course would not work without a syllabus. In Canvas, a syllabus is always the most up-to-date component.  This is because the syllabus page automatically updates whenever any changes are made anytime at the course website throughout the duration of this course. 

The syllabus also provides a series of quick hyperlinks to other important sections of this course website.


Home Page

Welcome and Overview - This page is the "Home Page" also called the "Front Page." It provides a brief and quick overview of the course. Go here first when beginning your review and understanding of directions for this course. Welcome to the course. Now let's have some fun!


Course Description - Psych 3 - Sections 1798 & 2380

This course involves an in-depth analysis of traditional and contemporary sexuality. Major areas of examination will include: the history and science of sexology; male and female anatomy and physiology; sexual arousal and response; gender issues; attraction and love; relationships, intimacy and communication; sexual variety; conception, pregnancy, and childbirth; contraception and abortion; sexuality through the lifespan; sexual dysfunctions; sexually transmitted infections; atypical sexual variations; and coercive sexuality and exploitation.  

In recognition of our "global village" of multi-culturalism, many issues surrounding cross-cultural aspects of human sexuality will also be an integral part of this course.    



Calendar - August 2019 - Sections 1798 & 2380 - On the left side of this web page you will see 14 useful links. Further to the left of these links (in the gray area) you will find  6 Canvas operational links. The one marked Calendar has great importance and use.  The course calendar provides you with a list of important due dates for (1) assignments, (2) exams, and (3) the course workbook project. You may also click on these due dates to preview more detail about each course requirement. This Calendar link in Canvas is always current as this page updates automatically anytime course changes are made throughout the duration of this course. Value it! Use it!  You may also find a listing of all course assignments, requirements, and dates at the very end of this Syllabus.


Course Basics

Course Basics - Online Psych 03 - Fall, 2019 - Everything you want to know about this course --- workload, calendar, textbooks, grading policy, student needs, how to study, essay writing, workbook particulars,  FAQs, resources, and a lot more.


Course Modules 

The following 15 modules comprise the entire course. Modules are to be completed in sequence. Once inside a module be sure to also complete all tasks and assignments in sequence as well. 

Before beginning any of the course modules --- be sure to complete all tasks --- in the section that precedes Module #1, called Module #0. That section precedes Module #1 and is entitled: Module #0: Things To Do Before Starting This Course! You may find this module below or by clicking on the "Modules" link in the left sidebar of this webpage.

At the end of the following list of course modules below, you will find listed all course requirements and their deadlines by date.


New day

Mod #0: Course Check List

localisation of function - bottom

Mod #1: Internet & Sex

O is for Occipital Lobe

Mod #2: Science of Sex

Oslo Science MuseumMod #3: Female Body


Mod #4: Male Body


Mod #5: Sexual Arousal 


Mod #6: Sex & Gender

Legal research

Mod #7: Attraction & Love


Mod #8: Relationships

EMOtion!Mod #9: Sexual Problems:


Mod #10: Sexual Orientation

Dethklok @ Ackerman Grand Ballroom, UCLA (11/01/07) (40)

Mod #11: Conception 

SuicideMod #12: Atypical Sexuality

Controceptive Device
Mod #13: Contraception

Heaven is a place on earthMod #14: Lifespan Sexuality

DeathMod #15: STIs



Course Summary:

Date Details Due