Chapter 7 Quiz: The Central Limit Theorem
- Due Oct 17, 2018 at 1pm
- Points 12
- Questions 12
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
Learning Objectives:
1. Use the terminology and symbols relating to sampling distributions.
2. Distinguish between biased and unbiased estimators.
3. Apply the Central Limit Theorem for a mean.
4. Apply the Central Limit Theorem for sums.
5. Apply the Central Limit Theorem for proportions.
6. Recognized what the Central Limit Theorem says about the sampling distribution and when it can be applied.
3. Identify errors in statistical design.
4. Analyze and interpret frequency tables.
You will be able to retake it as many times as you wish before the due date and only your highest score will be included in your course grade. The purpose of this assignment is to learn the concepts and not to just get the answers correct, so please make sure you fully understand the concepts before moving on.
Good luck!
Student Learning Outcomes Addressed in this Quiz:
3. Implement the rules of probability.