Course Syllabus


Instructor Information:

Erin Sullivan, Ph.D.


Phone: (707) 778-3965

Office: PC 677

Office Hours:

  • Wednesdays 11-12
PSYCH 4 League symbol square.JPG

*When contacting me, please indicate that you are a student in PSYCH 10. This helps me to respond faster with the most accurate information.*


Course Policies:

To help you find answers to your course questions more quickly, I have separated the syllabus into separate handouts. You are responsible for all information in these handouts. For more information about the course and requirements, see the handouts below:


Required Materials:

All homework materials will be posted on Canvas. These materials are required. In addition, you may find the following books useful:


Optional Materials:

  1. Alexia, P. & Baillon, M. (2008). Biological Psychology: An illustrated survival guide. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. - If you are intimidated by biological psychology, this is a great place to start! This is a comic book that describes biological psychology in a relatable way. It is mostly (although not entirely) accurate. You may find it helpful to read about a topic here before completing the required homework about the same topic.
  2. Carlson, N. R. (2014). Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience (9nd Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. (ISBN-13: 978-0-205-94799-7) - When we use a textbook for homework, it will be this book. Because we use it so infrequently, I do not require you to buy it. I will post the required pages on Canvas. If you would like to purchase this book, you are welcome to do so. 




Course Summary:

Date Details Due