Assignment #1 "Blue Book" [Module #1 Graded Responses Go Here]

  • Due Nov 21, 2015 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 8
  • Time Limit None


Remember this assignment (out of four required) is due by a certain date or will be penalized. Overly late assignments may NOT be accepted at all. The discretion of the professor rules in all such matters. Was your assignment "Online and Ontime?"

Before beginning this first homework assignment be sure you understand the word count and quality requirements (1500 to 3000 words depending on grade desired). Also module assignments may not be submitted back to back. There must be at least a one assignment space between submissions. See "Grading Policy." To get there, click on the "Course Basics" icon in the "Navigational Toolbar" [at top of webpage] and then click on "Grading Policy" for particulars.

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