Course Syllabus

CSKLS 334 - How to Take an Online Class

Section:  1415.    August 20-September 9, 2018

 Instructor: Pamela Abbott-Enz, Ph.D.

 Office Hours: Response to student e-mail/message board within 24-hours M-Th.

 Class Times: Class is 100% online. An optional orientation is held first day of classes or shortly before. Students will be notified via e-mail of location and time.

 Course Description:

For students who would like to take courses through the Internet but are not confident with all the processes.

Application exercises are used to teach skills in major online components, including basic computer knowledge, computer-related terms, e-mail communication, Internet use, and online functions.  Students must view online orientation PRIOR to beginning course.

 Course Objectives:

1. Demonstrate ability to connect to the Internet.

2. Identify various avenues for accessing on-line course materials.

3. Identify and manage hardware required to successfully access course materials.

4. Demonstrate e-mail competency.

 To help students successfully complete a college online class, CSKLS 334 will provide:

  • an understanding of online requirements through interactive exercises and quizzes 
  • practice with the skills required to participate in online classes using the courseware package at SRJC.

Hardware and Software

Before taking this .5 unit class, students should have:
  • a computer or reliable daily access to one
  • an email account
  • basic knowledge of concepts and skills required to use the Internet
As a starting point, this class assumes you already can provide the above. If not, you should not take this class until you have taken the appropriate introductory computer class(es).

There are no textbooks for this course.  Students are encouraged to print course materials for future reference, but first copy and paste content into a word processing document to contain the length and paper use.


15 Content Area Quizzes   80%

Discussion and Participation 20%

Course Administration, Technology, Grading and Deadlines:

Each academic week begins on Monday at 12:01am and closes on the following Monday at 11:59. All work for the preceding week must be submitted prior to each Monday 11:59 deadline or be considered late. Late work is accepted, but graded with the following week's submissions


is provided to students in the form of scores quizzes and exercises and general participation in discussion boards. Please be clear that while the instructor may not participate in every discussion, all postings are being read.  This instructor believes that the discussion board is a place for students to freely discuss material and learn the critical skill of effective communication, analysis and critique. If instructor presence is required to moderate, it will be there!


Weekly, students will be asked to read content and respond through exploration of related Internet sources and complete quizzes related to content.

Language Expectations:

There will be times when you will need to demonstrate an understanding of course materials in writing. For our class, this communication needs to be done in English since all the instructors speak English. Your messages must be clearly written, and easily understandable. If you have any questions, contact me directly

Drop Policy:

It is the responsibility of each student to notify admissions and withdraw if they desire to be removed from the class.  Failure to do this may result in an F or NC grade. 

Special Accommodations:

If you need disability related accommodations for this class, such as a note taker, test taking services, special furniture, use of service animal, etc., please provide the Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA letter) from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) to me as soon as possible. If you have not received authorization from DRD, it is recommended that you contact them directly. DRD is located in Bertolini Hall on the Santa Rosa campus, and Petaluma Village on the Petaluma Campus.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due