Week 11 Page 9: Know the rules, break the rules!!



And Lastly...

I've given you a ton of guidelines, rules and tips. Once you've understood and applied them, it's time to experiment with breaking them! You can have a lot of fun with typography so don't let it intimidate you!

But... remember the bottom line:

"If you can't read it, then neither can your audience."

If communication is your goal, make sure your type is understandable.


Successful or disastrous? You decide!!

Does the typography in the following sites break the rules? Does the site combine fonts successfully? Does it successfully communicate its message or mood? Or... is it a communications disaster?

Share your comments about these sites to this Week's Discussion, Discoveries and Questions Forum
(remember to copy/paste the URL along with your comments)!

Share a creative use of typography or kinetic typography!!

Here's a site where you might find some good examples (good and bad!)



This ends the lecture for this week!! Now go back to the Modules Page and complete your assignments!