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S18 Assn 17 Applying legibility/readability rules to restaurant design
S18 Assn 17 Applying legibility/readability rules to restaurant design
Criteria Ratings Pts
Contains: landing page + nav, about, menu choices, contact panels in long doc. Different colored/textured panels.
threshold: pts
2 pts
Restaurant name/logo (and tagline) on landing panel: interesting typeface, still legible, works at small size.
threshold: pts
3.5 pts
Hours, address, phone number that are easily read and stand out sufficiently
threshold: pts
3.5 pts
"About/welcome" paragraph on #2 "about" panel (50+ words). Demonstrates readability rules. legible font/style (bold and italic used for emphasis ), reasonable point size, left alignment, adequate line spacing and line length, text color contrasts strongly against the background color/photo,
threshold: pts
6 pts
Total Points: 15 out of 15