Week 16 Assignment Instructions. READ THESE!

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Last Week Assignments

#1. SUBMIT your THREE Project 2 restaurant designs for me to grade!
Due on TUESDAY, May 22nd by 11:59pm

Sorry, but I can't accept late projects!
Submit the following:

  1. Long design with all panels (not in a mockup template). Jpeg or PDF ok (watch out for HUGE file sizes)
  2. Laptop landing section design in the laptop template/mockup (see links in Final Week Modules). Try to make that top panel look good in the laptop mockup even if the dimensions don't quite work. Save as a jpeg at actual size. 
  3. Mobile design in the mobile template/mockup provided. 
    Save as a jpeg at actual size.

Upload all of them using the dropbox under the submission link!


#2. SHARE your Project 2 restaurant designs (long page and laptop landing section/mobile design in mockup templates) with the rest of the class. Ok to reduce in size but the design still needs to be viewable). Write a short commentary on your designs, and then provide constructive feedback to other students! 

Commentary due on TUESDAY, May 22nd by 11:59pm.
Feedback due by TUESDAY, May 22nd by 11:59pm.
    •  7 points for your designs/commentary
    •  3 points for your meaningful reply/feedback on another student's design

Click on the link to the Project 2 FINAL DESIGN Sharing and Feedback Forum (10 points). Post a message that includes:

  • A 50-100 word commentary about your design. You can say what you like or don't like about it, mention things you'd like to change, describe what you learned as you designed the project etc.
  • One jpeg of the Long "scrolling" design.
  • Two jpegs of the mobile and laptop landing section restaurant designs shown in the Photoshop templates (reduce them to about 700 pixels wide so they don't completely fill the forum box).
  • Provide meaningful feedback about at least ONE other student's design (or more!). Please don't all comment on a few students' work... share the feedback around!!

Your meaningful feedback on other students' sites should have some substance! "I love your design" doesn't count!!