
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 14 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Project 1 Rubric
Project 1 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Logo/band name (appropriate, eye-catching, contrasts, stands out and readable against banner, simple)
threshold: pts
4 pts
Demonstrates contrast principle (readable type, focal point, hierarchy, visual interest)
threshold: pts
12 pts
Demonstrates alignment principles (strong edge connections, vertical and horizontal edges, left/right alignment not centered, organized content)
threshold: pts
12 pts
Navigation/interface: Layout/design makes content easy to find/interpret. Navigation makes sense. Labels are readable/understandable. Active page shown in navigation.
threshold: pts
8 pts
Originality/creativity and effort: Demonstrates creative ideas and solutions: Fonts, logo, photo treatment, colors. Evidence of thought and effort.
threshold: pts
8 pts
Project requirements: single landing page, dimensions 1280x1024, jpeg, correct content (no missing text, no typos), at least 1 photo, graphic element such as shape or line
threshold: pts
6 pts
Total Points: 50 out of 50