Roll Call Attendance
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
It is imperative that you come to class in order to participate and benefit from this course. I will keep track of attendance every day through Canvas. You will earn one point for every class that you attend and participate, by the end of the semester you will have earned over 30 points and it is a required part of your grade. Your participation grade will be based on your engagement with the class lectures and discussion
If you are often tardy, your participation grade will be reduced. If you are late, please enter as unobtrusively as possible. If you must leave early, please notify me at the beginning of class.
- If you fall asleep in class I will consider you absent and your participation and attendance grade will be affected.
- Please turn off cell phones or any other entertainment devices (mp3 players, games, etc); if I see you using your phone in any way it will affect your grade.
- If you engage in private conversation during class or are disruptive in any way you will be asked to leave and you will be considered absent for the day.
**Failure to follow these precepts will result in a reduction of your class participation grade