Discussion # 7, Hist 1.1 MW: Sparta vs Athens
- Due Apr 1, 2018 by 11:59pm
- Points 6
- Submitting a discussion post
- Available until Apr 4, 2018 at 11:59pm
Topic: Sparta vs Athens
After many years of avoiding direct conflict with the Athenians, the Spartans finally declared war in the fall of 432 but the actual war would not begin until the spring of 431. It was a strange and long-lasting conflict that involved most of the poleis of the Greek world as the Delian League led by Athens faced the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. The Athenians fought a defensive war on land and offensive on the sea, the Spartans had a small navy so they relied on their hoplites. The Athenians were not willing to risk an open battle with the Spartans and so they retreated to inside the city walls every time the Spartans and their allies marched on Attica. Athens had by now built strong walls that surrounded the city and also enclosed the port that supplied them with food. Meanwhile, the Athenian navy was blockading the ports of the Peloponnesus hoping to starve out Sparta, but in reality neither of those tactics worked. At the end of 430 a plague struck Athens, and the overcrowded conditions caused by the practice of hiding behind the walls made matters worse. Pericles, the Athenian leader, died of the plague in 429. The Athenians and the Spartans continued to fight the war with the same tactics and by 421 neither side had accomplished much.
From 421 to 415 there was relative peace but the Athenians, urged by Alcibiades, launched an expedition against Syracuse, the most powerful city in Sicily and an ally of Sparta. The invasion was a failure and it reignited the war with Sparta. At this point the King of Persia begins to seriously consider getting involved in the war.
Directions: Two Points of View
Read your textbook and notes, do some careful research, and watch the videos. This involves some role-playing: Pretend you are an Athenian official and you have traveled to the court of the Persian king and are asking him to join the war and help out Athens. How do you present the Athenian side of the conflict? What would you say to him to convince him to join Athens in the war? How would the war benefit Persia?
This post is your opinion and there is no right or wrong answer. Your points will be based on completion of the assignment (based on the rubric) and whether you use support from the text, lecture, or internet. 6 points total, 3 for your initial post and 3 for replying to someone's post. Your post should be about a paragraph long and your reply to someone's post should be a paragraph as well.
I recommend that you create your initial post by Mar 31, at 11:59 pm so that others may have an opportunity to reply.
You must also contribute a Response to 1 classmate's post: Read another student's post and pretend you are a Spartan official and are also at the court and you hear the Athenian side. How do you respond to the Athenian envoy? What do you say to the Persian king to convince him to join your side instead?
Posts can have more than one reply. Follow the netiquette guidelines below and use evidence to support or disagree with the original post. This is not a place for insults or arguments so use proper language.
Your Response is due by Apr 1, at 11:59 pm
- Turning this assignment in late will result in loss of 1 point per day, up to 3 points.
- Click on the reply button, below to get started.
To evaluate student's critical analysis of historical events.
To view the rubric attached to this discussion, click on the gear box in the upper right and select Show Rubric.
- Be kind and respectful to others
- Use full sentences
- Avoid jargon and acronyms
- Use language that supports others
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||
Original Discussion Post
This is the original post created by each student. The student must address the question or issue posited by the instructor.
Response to Peer's Post
Each student must post a response to at one other person's post. The response must be a paragraph long and meet the required standards.
Total Points:
out of 6