Course Syllabus
Course Name: Physics 21L
Instructor: Matthew Bradley
Email: – note: This is the fastest way to reach me. I’ll call you back as fast as I can.
Office Hours: Typically, 30 minutes before and after each class. Other times are by arrangement.
Textbook: The Physics 21 textbook might be nice to have, but you probably don’t need it for this class.
Lab Manual: Online only. See the class website.
Preparation: You are required to read the lab manual, watch the videos, and work out any pre-lab problems before coming to the lab. Follow the procedure for the lab using the lab manual available on the computers in the physics lab as it will often include revisions and additions. If you are late, you have two options:
1) You can come in and do the lab which in this case you will not be able to take the pop quiz given at the beginning of the lab and will lose 25% of the credit for that lab.
2) You can make it up during other labs after completing scheduled labs. Penalties may apply (see below).
Unless otherwise informed, you will first go to the library room to take the quiz. After handing in the quiz, you can go to the lab and start. You must go through the door that opens to Scholar’s Drive or you will receive a 0 on the quiz.
Absence Policy: No one is required to be here for any class. Note that your grade will suffer substantially if you do not complete assigned work and there is assigned work every class. Excused absences are not subject to penalties on makeup labs. Unexcused absences are subject to a penalty of 20% or more (at my discretion). Validity of excuses is also subject to my discretion and may require verification.
NOTE: You cannot receive an 'A' in this course unless you complete all assignments (unless you have a really good excuse, like an earthquake made my house collapse and it took me a week to dig myself out). So do all the labs.
NOTE: All tests are open book.
NOTE: I am attempting to make changes to the way the lab is run and will occasionally give you the opportunity
to do labs on the dates BEFORE the dates on the syllabus.
Grading: The two exams are worth 15 and 20 percent, group reports (including quizzes) are worth 5%, individual labs (also including quizzes) are worth 10%. All grades are posted on-line and you will be required to demonstrate that you can check them on your own.
Grade: Each student’s final grade will be based on his/her total credit points according to the following:
90 to 100 A |
80 to 90 B |
70 to 80 C |
60 to 70 D |
0 to 60 F |
Student Learning Outcomes: |
1. Use the Universal Lab Interface (ULI) system to measure and analyze various parameters related to alternating current (AC) and/or direct current (DC) circuits, magnetism, optical instruments, gas spectra and radioactivity.
2. Plot, curve fit, and interpret data using the Excel program.
General Advice
Read this syllabus before asking questions like “What will the test cover?” or “Is it open book?”
I know the first test is just before Spring Break. Plan to be there because there are no makeups for tests.
If I do not ask for a trend line, do not put a trend line on your plot. For MANY (not all) of our labs, trend lines will not make sense.
I am required by SRJC to give you a final exam according to the exam schedule. You are required to be there. This is not the same as test #2. Please don’t keep asking me about why we have to do it or acting confused. If you have any questions, re-read the previous four sentences.
It is very difficult to annoy me. If I answer any of your questions with “Read the syllabus”, you should be aware that I am becoming annoyed.
Introduction / Lab 1 |
Electric Fields and Voltage |
2 |
9/1 |
Ohm’s Law |
3 |
9/8 |
Series and Parallel Circuits (1/2 of Class) |
3 |
Series and Parallel Circuits (1/2 of Class) |
4 |
9/22 |
Ohm’s and Kirchoff’s Laws |
5 |
9/29 |
Magnetic Field in a Slinky |
EXAM 1 |
10/6 |
EXAM COVERING EXPERIMENTS 1 THRU 5 and make up for labs 1 thru 5 |
6 |
10/13 |
The Oscilloscope (1/2 of Class) |
6 |
10/20 |
The Oscilloscope (1/2 of Class) |
7 |
Inductance, Capacitance, and Resonance |
8 |
11/3 |
Focal Length Determination |
9 |
Compound Microscope |
10 |
12/1 |
Double Slit Diffraction |
11 |
12/8 |
Spectra of Hydrogen |
EXAM 2 |
12/15 |
Emergency Evacuation Plan
In the event of an emergency during class that requires evacuation of the building, please leave the class immediately, but calmly. Our class will meet outside by the benchmark to make sure everyone got out of the building safely and to receive further instructions. If you are a student with a disability who may need assistance in an evacuation, please see me during my office hours as soon as possible so we can discuss an evacuation plan.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
If you need disability related accommodations for this class, such as a note taker, test taking services, special furniture, use of service animal, etc., please provide the Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA letter) from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) to me as soon as possible. You may also speak with me privately after class or notify me through e-mail. If you have not received authorization from DRD, it is recommended that you contact them directly. DRD is located in Analy Village on the Santa Rosa campus, and Petaluma Village on the Petaluma Campus.
Student Conduct
We will conduct ourselves in a manner which reflects our awareness of common standards of decency and the rights of others. All students are expected to know the Student Conduct Code ( ) and adhere to it in this class. Students who violate the code may be suspended from two (2) classes and referred to Vice President of Student Services for discipline.
The best way to learn is through active participation; therefore, we respect others when talking by being on-time, listening actively, and by being polite even when we disagree with another’s viewpoint. Please turn off all electronic devices. If you use a laptop for note taking, please turn the sound off. No food in class please.
Academic Integrity
All written work is to be original; plagiarism of any kind will result in a failing grade on that assignment. Students who plagiarize or cheat may be suspended [for one or two class meetings by the instructor] and referred to the Vice President of Student Services for discipline sanction, in cases of egregious violation. Please read the college policy/procedure on academic integrity at:
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |