Welcome Santa Rosa Junior College Canvas Student Orientation

student in front of computerWe are so glad you have decided to take an online course at Santa Rosa Junior College. We want you to excel in the online environment, so we've created this online orientation to help prepare you for success! 

This orientation consists of an introduction to your new learning environment (Canvas) and additional modules useful to online learners that provide information such as what it's like to take an online course, getting tech ready, and study skills for online courses.

Students can earn 2 different badges by working through the course content.  Badges are assigned upon the completion of modules 1-4 and 4-9 (note: module 4 is useful to all learners and therefore is a requirement for both badges). To earn a badge, students must complete all required components within the designated set; reading pages, viewing videos, taking surveys and completing quizzes (with a score of 80% or better.)  

Getting Started:

  • All students should complete the Welcome and Orientation to Canvas.
  • Modules 1-4 are designed primarily for students who:
    • are new to online learning
    • have previously not done well in an online course
    • are interested in learning how to be a better online student
  • Modules 4-9 are designed primarily for new and experienced online learners looking for resources to enhance college success

Technical Assistance: If you have technical questions about this website anytime during the semester, please contact desupport@santarosa.edu.