Stand Up Quiz 3

  • Due Feb 8, 2017 at 5:30pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Available Jan 25, 2017 at 12am - Feb 10, 2017 at 11:30pm
  • Time Limit 30 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts 3



Chapter 4: The Importance of Listening

All of it! This is a communication class.  For every speech you give, you will listen to 20 more. Understanding the different aspects of listening will help you in the preparation and delivery of your speeches as well.  And also read 

Chapter 5: Audience Analysis 

for this chapter focus your reading on 

5.1 Why Conduct an Audience Analysis?

5.2 Three Types of Audience Analysis

5.4 Using Your Audience Analysis

Choose the best answer for each question. You can take this quiz up to 3 times, you will receive the highest score out of all your attempts.

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