Course Syllabus

Spring 2017 Online Spch1A Syllabus

This Hybrid Online Public Speaking course includes instruction and practice in the various forms of public address and the techniques for orally presenting ideas clearly, concisely, and coherently. Students are required to outline speeches frequently; to read a college-level public speaking textbook and apply its principles in the preparation of their speeches; and to critically analyze public speeches of various types.  


Student Learning Outcomes for Speech 1A 

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:  

  1. Effectively prepare and present public speeches to a live audience using contemporary technology.  
  2. Demonstrate active listening skills.  
  3. Critically evaluate various forms of communication.  


Course Objectives: 

  1. Identify the elements of a communication situation.  
  2. Perform preliminary audience analysis.  
  3. Selection of appropriate subject matter.  
  4. Gather and select appropriate materials.  
  5. Organize material into appropriate structural pattern for oral presentation.  
  6. Encode thoughts into appropriate verbal and non-verbal transmissions.  
  7. Practice by rehearsal the oral presentation of the speech.  
  8. Present the speech to a live audience.  
  9. Listen, evaluate, and critique oral presentations by other students.  
  10. Incorporate and use of visual aids into an oral presentation.  
  11. Overcome communication reticence.  
  12. Recognize logical fallacies.  
  13. Recognize emotional appeals.  
  14. Recognize the influences of source credibility on message acceptance.  
  15. To acquire a foundation of the basic terminology, concepts, and theories in communication.


Assignments & Methods of Evaluation: 

  1. Oral presentations: 450 points

Each student will be required to give 6 speeches. Each of the speeches will focus on a different public speaking skill and will prepare the student for more complex speeches. The speeches which will reveal the students ability to present a message orally in an organized well supported manner.

  • Narrative Speech - 2 to 4 minutes - 75 points  
  • Demonstration Speech - 4 to 6 minutes - 100 points  
  • Persuasive Speech - 8 to 10 minutes - 100 points  
  • Informative Speech - 8 to 10 minutes - 100 points  
  • Awards Speech 2 to 4 minutes - 75 points  


  1. Written Assignments: 250 points     You will receive no credit for late assignments!

All written assignments must be typed, printed and turned in by the due date.  


A. Topic Selection 25/250  

You will turn in a list of 3 possible topics for each of the following assignments  

• Demonstration Speech  

• Expository Speech  

• Persuasive Speech  

It is best to choose all of your speech topics as soon as possible so you can start doing the research and learning more about your topics. Please read the assignment explanations carefully so you understand the requirements for each speech assignment. See the schedule page for the due date. - All 9 topic possibilities will be turned in together.  



B. Outlines:85/250

• Demonstration Speech Outline - 25 points  

• Informative Outline -- 30 points  

• Persuasive Speech Outline – 30 points  



C. Bibliographies:50/250

• Informative Bibliography – at least 10 sources -- 25 points  

• Persuasive Bibliography – at least 10 sources   --25 points  



D. Peer Evaluations:40/250

• Expository Speech Peer Evaluations – 10 points each x 2 = 20  

• Persuasive Speech Peer Evaluations - 10 points each x 2 = 20  

You will give written feedback to 2 classmates after expository and persuasive speeches. Please take your evaluation responsibility seriously and provide each other the kind of feedback you would like to receive. Constructive criticism means making evaluative remarks that treat the recipient with respect.



E. Self Evaluation:50/250

You will write an essay comparing your Demonstration speech and your Persuasive speech. Each student will bring your own recording device (camera with video, video recorder or smart phone). You will be responsible for recording and down loading your speeches in a way that you can watch the videos. After watching the video of your both speeches you will write a comparative Self Evaluation Essay. If you have no video recorded you have no video to watch and compare so you can not complete this assignment.  


  1. Quizzes: 100 points

There will be 10 quizzes worth 10 points each. There will be true/false, multiple choice and short answer questions. Quizzes will be taken in class.  

There are no make-ups on the quizzes. You must be present to take the quiz or you will receive no credit. 


  1. Final Exam: 100 points

There will also be a comprehensive essay exam. The exam will require the students to demonstrate their knowledge of effective public speaking techniques. 


  1. Attendance & Participation: 100 points

A. Attendance

This is a hybrid online class, so you must participate in the online activities as well as the in class activities. If you are not present you can not participate. Your participation grade will be affected if you are absent, arrive late and/or leave early. This is a communication class so your attendance at all 8 speaking days are required. On those days you will be giving your speeches and evaluating your peers. You can not pass this class if you do not give all 5 speeches. 50 points per class will be deducted from you overall points if you miss any of the 8 speaking days. If you miss 3 of the in class meetings you can not get a passing grade regardless of the quality and quantity of your work. You will get no credit for late written work.

B. Web Lesson Homework Assignments:100/100

For the online participation you must complete ten Web Lessons. Each will include; reading assignment, quiz, group discussion and homework. Each homework assignment will be worth 10 points each = 100 points


Final Grade

There is a total of 10000 points available in this class. I will give  

an "A" grade for 90% or 900 points and above.  

a "B" grade for 80% or 800 points and above.  

a "C" grade for 70% or 700 points and above.  

a "D" grade for 60% or 600 points and above.  

an "F" grade for anything below 59% 599 points  


Students are expected to follow Santa Rosa Junior College "Standards of Conduct." 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due