Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus

MUSC 51A Digital Audio: Fundamentals

Fall 2016

Day/Time  Thursday 9:00am – 12:50pm

Room   Maggini, room 2926

Instructor  Barry Blum

Office  Maggini, room 2926

Phone  415 302 6463

Office Hours  Th 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Email or

Catalog Description

The course is designed for students who has passed MUSC 51A. Students are introduced to basic digital audio concepts, terminology, and tool sets. Topics include sound design for video games and film, scoring music to picture, foley, audio mastering, formatting audio for target consoles and general audio production work flows. Activities include Creating Sound Effects, Writing and recording musical cues using Pro tools and virtual instruments, MIDI transcription and scoring to picture. (Grade only) Transfer Credit: CSU.

Textbook and online resources

Required: all access pass.

I highly recommend:
Principles of Digital Audio, 5th ed. Pohlmann, Ken C. McGraw Hill/TAB Electronics, 2005.
Audio in Media, 8th ed. Alten, Stanley R. Wadsworth, 2007.
Instructor prepared materials.

Materials       Headphones, memstick or equivalent.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Utilize and apply a working vocabulary of digital audio terminology.
  2. Demonstrate hands-on proficiency with a DAW at an advanced level utilizing virtual instruments and audio plugin's to manipulate audio files.
  3. Create sound design and musical cues to full motion video.
  4. Capture, create and organize their own Sound effect and Music libraries.
  5. Prepare master mixdowns that can then before formatted properly for digital video.

Attendance and Grading Policy

As this is an activity-based course that only meets once a week, attendance and participation are extremely important. Individual assignments and tests will be graded on a points system. Refer to

Note: All Assignments and Lectures available in Dropbox.  An invite to Dropbox will sent to you the first day of class.  You will sign up for the free Dropbox account. (2 gi8gs of storage shared by the class).  

Overview of Course.

            Review Course Purpose and Syllabus

            Discuss/Demonstrate course subjects: Ableton Live, Digital                                                            Audio, Editing and Mixing

            Lab  Watch Ableton Live Explained at

  1. Remix a Multitrack recreation of Planet Clarie            

Get familiar with Live’s editing tools such as duplicate, cut, copy paste, cut time, paste time, consolidate will be introduced.   Learn the relationship between the session view and the arrangement view. 
Edit MIDI clips and audio clips.  Overview of the clip editing window.                                          Lab & DHR Homework: Setup to edit and Remix “Planet Clarie”. 

            Watch #1 Lab  Watch Ableton Live Explained at

  1. Continue Remix a Multitrack recreation of Planet Clarie    Finish Ass #1 Setup/Simple Editing

           We review your first weeks work and then continue the remix by adding effects and new MIDI.

           Apply advanced Digital Audio editing techniques:  coping, pasting, snap to grid, change grid

           snap settings.                                                                                                        

  1. Lecture on Digital Audio and Sampling Theory                                                 Work on Ass #2 Multi Track Edit (Auto Body Jingle)                                                               Discuss Freezing MIDI or audio tracks                                                                                    Copying the frozen track and pasting the new audio to a new track.                                                               Lab & DHR: Remix a song provided with vocals.                            
  2. Review Digital Audio and Sampling Theory                                                 Note:   Finsh: Remix                                                                                                                         Homework: Lab and DHR: remix provided song                                                                                      
  3. Written Test on Digital Audio and Sampling Theory                                                 Work on remix using Compressors, Limiters, Expanders, Gates,
  4. Mixing Techniques: 2 Equalization (eq)                                                 Intro to The Window of EQ for good mixes.   Intro to Mastering your Tracks.                   

            Lab  Match the EQ of your remix to the original track using the Ears only technique.                                                                                              

  1. Mixing Techniques: Compression                                         

            Continue work on your Mix                                      

  1. Mixing Techniques Reverb, Delays Chorus, Filters                                                                    Homework: Lab and DHR:
  2. Intro to Synthesis                                                                                                    We will explore Native Instrument’s   Basis overview of the Oscillator Sections,    Modulation sections
  3. Continue exploring Massive             Explore Massive’s Feedback Section, Filter Section, Practical Filter Routing, Insert Effects and The Master Effects Section

            Homework: Create and save your own Massive patches

  1. Modulation in Massive                                             Start Introducing the Modulators, The LFO, The Stepper, The Performer, The Macro Control Section

Homework: Create and save your own Massive patches with modulation. View “Massive sound vol 1” on                                                

  1. Create an 3 section tune with your Massive patches

            Play and Critique in Class                                                                                          HomeworkUse your Massive patch to create a hit song.

  1. Mix and Mastering Lecture                                                 Discuss Mastering Techniques                                                                                               Homework: Master your projects
  2. Work on final Project                                       

            To be assigned by instructor,  It can be your own piece.

  1. Final : There will be a peer review of your final piece.                  

Lab Work

This course includes digital audio exercises that will require the software on the Lab computers. Students are required to complete one hour per week of lab time in the in Maggini Hall(room 2926). Sign in and out in room 2926 during the regular lab time.  Refer to for help with the music software on the lab computers.

Guidelines for Assignment Submission for more information on written work.

  1. Points will be deducted for each unexcused absence or tardy.
  2. If you are tardy, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure you are not marked absent.
  3. If you wish to drop this course, be aware that it is YOUR responsibility to do so officially at the Registration Office or online.
  4. Tests must be taken at the time they are given. Missed tests can only be made up with an excused absence (doctor’s note, etc.) and must be made up immediately. Missed tests with an unexcused absence can only be taken for half credit.

The final course grade will fall approximately along these guidelines:

Audio project(s)                                                                      45%

Attendance & participation in in-class activities                   10%

Terminology quizzes Exams                                                  10%

Skill Demonstrations                                                              35%

Total                                                                                     100%

Incomplete Grades

In some extreme circumstances, arrangements can be made for an incomplete (I) grade. Incomplete grades are appropriate when a student has been making satisfactory progress in a course, but is unable to finish for reasons beyond his or her control. Consult the District Grading Policy for more information:


Guidelines for Assignment Submission

  1. Turn in assignments on time. All homework is due the next class meeting after it is assigned. Late work will ONLY be accepted (for partial credit) if it is turned in before the next test.
  1. Please make sure your name (first and last) is printed legibly on each page.
  1. Please use pencil and write legibly. Confusing notation will be graded down.
  2. Please turn in all pages of an assignment together. (For example, do not turn in only one page of a three-page assignment.)
  3. Assignments can be left in my mailbox in the Music Office if you are unable to turn them in during class.

Classroom Decorum

Students are expected to show respect and courtesy for the instructor and fellow students at all times.

  1. Please come to class on time – excessive tardiness is disruptive.
  2. Please do not bring food to class.
  3. Please turn off all cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

In the event of an emergency during class that requires evacuation of the building, please leave the classroom immediately, but calmly. Our class will meet on the Forsyth north lawn to ensure that everyone got out of the building safely and to receive further instructions. If you are a student with a disability who may need assistance in an evacuation, please see me during my office hours as soon as possible so that we can discuss an evacuation plan.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you need disability-related accommodations for this course, such as a note taker, test-taking services, special furniture, use of service animal, etc., please provide the Authorization for Academic Accommodations (AAA letter) from the Disability Resources Department (DRD) to me as soon as possible. You may also speak with me privately during office hours about your accommodations. If you have not received authorization from DRD, it is recommended that you contact them directly. (DRD is located in Analy Village on the Santa Rosa campus, and in Petaluma Village on the Petaluma Campus.)


Course Summary:

Date Details Due