Course Syllabus

Course Description

Welcome to CS 50.A , Web Development 1. This course is designed for the beginning student who wants to create Web pages for the World Wide Web. You need to be familiar with the basics of computer usage and feel comfortable using the Internet. If you do not have these skills I recommend you enroll in an Introduction to the PC or Mac class (CS 101A or 105A).

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the basis of all the lessons in the course. For students who are considering a career in Web design, or for those who would like to make a Web page to pursue a personal interest, it is essential that you master HTML. In addition to memorizing HTML codes, you will be asked to develop skills in organizing information; writing clearly and concisely; using colors and graphics which are effective and pleasing to the eye; and presenting your finished Web project to an audience. In short, there is more to Web design than knowing HTML.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Use HTML and CSS code that meets current industry standards to create a simple website.
  2. Apply appropriate terminology to describe basic web development concepts.

Texts and Materials

  • Required Text: "Basics of Web Design HTML5 & CSS3" (2nd edition) by Terry Ann Felke Morrison, published by Pearson. You may purchase the book at the SRJC bookstores or online. 
    • Here is a link to my favorite print book aggregator which as links to all copies of the book currently available
  • Computer: If you do not have access to a personal computer at your home or work, you need to come into any computer lab on either the Santa Rosa or Petaluma each week and complete you work there.
  • Required Software: Since this is a course, in creating Web pages, you'll need a computer and a Web browser. You need to have access to the Internet, and your browser should be Chrome, Firefox, or Safari
  • You are required to use a simple text editor to create your files in this class - Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac) - since these are applications that are already on your computer.
  • We will also be using "FTP" (File Transfer Protocol") software which is free. Windows users will download SSH Client, Mac users will download Fugu.
  • In a few weeks, you may need to use a simple image editor, such as Photoshop Elements or GIMP. Don't worry about this now, I'm just giving you a heads-up. Most modern computers come with some sort of photo editor, and there are free ones available. More on this when we get to the relevant lesson.

Grades will be assigned as follows:

  • 100% - 90% for an "A"
  • 89% - 80% for a "B"
  • 79% - 70% for a "C"
  • 69% - 60% for a "D"
  • below 60% for an "F"

Late Policy:

All assignments and quizzes are due at 11:59pm PST on the due date. A late submission will receive a 20% penalty. Submissions more than 1 week late are not accepted. If you are forced to submit something late due to illness or a family emergency, please let me know. Late work will not be graded unless the student sends their instructor an email requesting that their work be graded.

Quizzes & Exams

The quizzes for this class will be found within several of the weekly modules. The timed quizzes allow a maximum of 120 minutes to complete. The material comes from the textbook, class lectures and supplemental materials. If any exam is missed, a zero will be recorded as the score. It is your responsibility to take the exams by the due date.

Getting Help:

  • Office Hours (see schedule above)
  • Please never ever feel guilty about asking me for help, it is normal to become confused and I am happy to help. If you e-mail me you must include "CS 50A" in the subject line, include your first and last name, the section # for your class, and then describe the problem as specifically as possible The more detailed your question, the easier it is to answer.
  • You can also email me your phone # and good times to call, and we can talk about your problem. I check my phone messages once a week, so I don't recommend you call my office.

Email Response Policy:

I check email each morning M-F and once on the weekends. I will attempt to answer email questions within 48 hrs. When sending an email please include CS 50A in the subject line.

Student Conduct:

To review the SRJC Student Conduct Standards visit this website

Course Summary:

Date Details Due