Course Syllabus

Accessible PDF:

CS60.11A Syllabus - Fall 2016.pdf


Instructor: Sarah Whylly 


Office Hours: Online via Google Hangouts, Skype, and/or BigBlueButton (in Canvas @ Collaborations) Monday and Wednesdays from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm



The course emphasizes preparation of accurately formatted Microsoft Word documents and flyers.  Features include character, paragraph and page formatting; proofreading tools; tables; bulleted and numbered lists; page numbering; graphics; and managing files.

(Grade or P/NP) 

Recommended Preparation:

Completion of BGN 101 ( or BOT 50A) or knowledge of the keyboard and ability to type by touch.

Eligibility for ENGL 100 or ESL 100.

Transfer Credit:CSU;
Repeatability:00 - Two Repeats if Grade was D, F, NC, or NP



Student Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

  1.  Create an array of business documents using MS Word.
  2.  Utilize a variety of word processing features and functions.
  3.  Compose documents with a quality acceptable to professional office standards.



Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1.   Design, create, and edit business documents
  2.   Format text and paragraphs
  3.   Format lists using the numbering and bullets features
  4.   Compose using proofreading tools
  5.   Design, create, and modify tables
  6.   Determine appropriate graphic images and modify to surroundings
  7.   Manage files
  8.   Develop a basic research document


Topics and Scope

1. Designing and creating business documents

  A. Differentiating among business letter styles and creating letters

  B. Designing formats and creating business memorandums

  C. Creating, formatting, and editing data and text tables

  D. Planning, formatting, creating, and editing business reports

  E. Designing and formatting flyers and newsletters

  F.  Formatting a basic research paper


2. Managing text

  A. Selecting, deleting, copying, inserting, and moving text

  B. Managing the Clipboard

  C. Adding bullets and numbering

  D. Using Undo, Redo, and Repeat

  E. Inserting and overtyping text

  F. Inserting and formatting date, time, and symbols


3. Formatting text

  A. Applying font attributes

  B. Copying formats using the Format Painter


4. Formatting paragraphs

  A. Aligning text using the toolbar and dialog box   

   B. Setting line spacing options

  C. Creating tab setting options

  D. Changing default tab stops and creating custom tabs

  E. Setting and modifying tabs using the ruler and dialog box

  F.  Creating, applying, and customizing numbered and bulleted lists


5.  Formatting pages

  A.  Setting margins

  B.  Adding headers and footers

  C.  Inserting page breaks

  D.  Creating watermarks

  E.  Creating columns with manual and automatic hyphenation

  F.  Inserting footnotes and endnotes

  G.  Adding a bibliography

  H.  Changing page orientation


6. Editing text

  A. Finding and replacing text

  B. Constructing and using AutoCorrect and AutoText entries

  C. Correcting spelling errors using automatic Spell Check

  D. Analyzing grammatical errors using Grammar Check

  E. Replacing words using the Thesaurus


7. Designing, creating, and modifying tables

  A. Creating, formatting, and revising tables

  B. Modifying table structure

  C. Moving and copying text, rows, and columns

  D. Adding and removing borders and shading


8. Inserting and modifying graphic images

  A.  Selecting appropriate existing graphic images

  B.  Designing flyers using graphics and page borders

  C.  Formatting and aligning text to enhance design


9.  Managing files

  A. Opening and saving documents

  B. Using Save As command

  C. Creating folders

  D. Printing documents, envelopes, and labels


Assignments will include:

  • Reading of approximately 20 pages per week in textbook (Please note that this online version of the course is 8 weeks and readings are increased based upon the compressed nature of the course.)
  • Completion of exercises and drills
  • Weekly quizzes
  • Completion of unit projects
  • Attendance and participation in classroom and/or online environment


Textbooks and Learning Materials

I have a policy that all materials for my courses that are required must be affordable. With that in mind, here is what you will need for the course: (Links to an external site.) membership: This site is an online library that allows me to make collections of readings and books for our class.  This is the link to our class bookshelf (Links to an external site.). The textbook, "Step by Step", can be accessed here and is required for the course. If you wish to purchase a hard copy of the book, please click here (Links to an external site.) but you do not need a physical copy; I strongly urge you to consider the ecopy at since the subscription cost is $8.99 per month.


Copy of Office 2016 (Links to an external site.) or a subscription to Office 365 (Links to an external site.). You may read about the differences between these here but you will need either 2013 or 2016/365. It is preferred that you have 2016/365 as that is what I will be teaching in the course. You can purchase these products very inexpensively here (Links to an external site.). You will notice that some of the options include monthly subscriptions for 365 that are as low as $6.99 per month. Don't forget: You need an Internet Connection to Use Office 365 as it is cloud-based! Make sure you when you check out that you have indicated that you are a student and given the college's name to get an additional 10% off your purchase.


GCF LearnFree Tutorials and Guides: These are free and can be accessed here through the GCF LearnFree website (Links to an external site.). I will often link guides and tutorials through the modules to specific units and sections I want you to work through.


Optional (this text is not required, you don't have to purchase it unless you want to:

The following text is not required, however, if you are purchasing it for another class we offer here you may certainly use it as a supplemental text to help you.

Go! MS Office Text (Links to an external site.): This text is a wonderful guide that also comes with MyITLab software. We will not be using the software for this course as I have my own tutorials I would like you to practice with, however, if you have purchased the book and access to the MyITLab software for another course and can make use of the practice in Word in it then please feel free to do so.

 Sum total minimum: $47.94 

You can get away with only spending the above amount if you choose the cheapest options for the course.  Plan according to your own budget and learning needs.


Assignments and Evaluative Exercises:


Weekly Discussion Boards: 20 pts. – These are part attendance/participation tracking and part interactive applied skills exercises. You will be asked to consider a question or multiple questions and apply what you know of the subject matter thus far to answer. You will also be expected to respond to your peers.

            160 pts. possible

Weekly Skills Assignments: 35-100 pts. each – These assignments will offer you the opportunity to demonstrate what you are learning through a guided project which will require you to make use of the material from the reading and from additional lesson material each week.

            280-800 pts. possible

Quizzes: 25-50 pts. – These quizzes will occur every other week and will contain a mix of questions from the lesson content and reading material and demonstrated application of skills.

            200-400 pts. possible

Unit Projects:  100-150 pts. – These will be given on 3 separate occasions during the course and will consist of an extended project similar to the weekly skills assessment assignments. Students will be expected to demonstrate a mastery of skill sets drawn from various chapters and lessons.

            300-450 pts. possible


Students with Disabilities:


Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resources Department (SDRD). Please bring verification to class from the SDRD indicating your need and approval for academic accommodations. This should be done within the first week of class.

Please speak with me if you have any questions.

You can visit the Santa Rosa Disabilities Resources Department at the following link:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due