Integration of Evidence Quiz

  • Due Nov 11, 2016 at 10pm
  • Points 6
  • Questions 6
  • Time Limit None


This quiz is meant to help you see how a professional writing incorporates interviews with various types of experts into their writing.  Since many of you are working on using personal interviews as a form of research in your essays, my goal is to provide a model of how to incorporate that type of data.

Step 1: Read this excerpt of Ann Gibbons' article "The Evolution of Diet." As you read, make a list of the various sources or interviews that she incorporates into the essay.  You will need to refer to them to answer the quiz questions.

Step 2: Take the quiz.  Have the excerpt from Gibbons open in another window as you take the quiz.  You'll need to refer to it to answer the questions.

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