Practice Exam, 4.1 F16 Online

  • Due No due date
  • Points 1
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit 45 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


This is a practice exam, read the directions and attempt the exam. It will not be graded but it will give you a good idea how the actual exams will work for this class:

Exam # 1

Read all directions carefully, if there are any questions or issues contact me before you begin the exam!

There are 5 total questions for the written part of the exam, you have 10 minutes per question.

This exam will close on ____ at 11:59 pm; the total time is 50 minutes so please allow yourself plenty of time to complete this exam.

For this exam you will answer 5 Critical Thinking Questions (5 points each). The questions are based on the list of topics within your study-guide.

  • Your answers should include information from the text, videos, and documents. Each answer should be at least a paragraph long (5 well-developed sentences), similar to what you have been doing in your homework assignments.

  • You are NOT allowed to just copy and paste material from the internet, that is plagiarism! If you do, you will receive a zero for the exam.

  • Do NOT write your answers on a separate document to copy and paste, this is not a homework assignment, this is a timed exam, all answers are to be typed into the space on Canvas.

  • I divided the exam into 3 sections to make it easier for you to manage your time: Multiple Choice-True/False Questions, Key Terms, and Critical Thinking Questions.
  • There are no make-ups or extensions for this exam, you have a week to complete it, so plan accordingly.


To evaluate student's ability to think critically and examine historical events.


  • You have 10 minutes to complete each question by the due date and you have only 1 attempt.
  • Be sure to read your textbook, watch all videos, and explore any other resource before you attempt this assignment.
  • Do not use your phone or tablet to take the quiz!
  • There is no option to turn this in late! 
  • Click on the Take Quiz Icon icon below to begin the quiz, pay attention to the timer on your right so that you will not run out of time!
  • Make sure you click on the Submit Quiz Icon icon once you are done.