APA citation formatting for case studies
A quick guide to APA formatting:
You will be expected to conduct research, or, to use your textbook for many of your writing assignments. You may ask- when do I need to include citations in my written assignments? The general rule is that you must cite your sources anytime you use any ideas, thoughts, images etc. that are not your own original ideas, thoughts, images etc. Use the following as your guide for both in-text citations and end of paper sources/list of works cited:
In-text citations: You must include citations in the body of your paper anytime that you are directly quoting or paraphrasing any writing/research. The basic APA format for in-text citations will look something like:
Example: "Whether your goal is to inform or persuade, or promote goodwill, the catchiest words you can use are you and your (Guffey, M.E., Loewy, D., 2018).
So...follow the basic formatting: (author last name, first initial., publishing year)
Sources/List of works cited (at end of paper): Even if you do not directly quote or paraphrase any research, if you performed research and used it for your paper, you must include a list of sources at the end of your paper. Each source that you used must be cited. The following website will provide you with more information and there is a no-cost citation generator that will create your source citation for you. This is the "cite your source automatically" function in the following website:
OWL Purdue APA Style Introduction Links to an external site.