Knowledge Check - Basic Math

  • Due No due date
  • Points 5
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited



Before starting on Worksheet 1, please take this short quiz to check you understand the concepts. You can take this quiz as many times as necessary to max out your score. There is no time limit on each attempt.

While you can take this quiz at any time throughout the semester with no consequence, it is imperative that you complete this quiz before the listed due date so that you can use the info here to complete Worksheet 1 with the greatest accuracy possible.

For any wrong answer per question, check out my notes when reviewing your Knowledge Check submission where I explain how to get the correct answer.

The worksheet is a one time submission, so make sure you are certain of your answers before submitting that assignment. 

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes