Carbon Cycle Part II

  • Due Nov 13 at 11:59am
  • Points 6
  • Questions 6
  • Available Aug 20 at 12am - Nov 17 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 6


Now that you understand the basics of the Carbon Cycle, let's examine this video that goes into a bit more depth- including what happens in aquatic environments and how humans alter the cycle. 



Transcript of 'How Carbon Affects Nearly Everything on Earth, Including Us' video (Word doc)

aquatic carbon


The video doesn't do a great job explaining what happens in aquatic environments. Here is a very simplified drawing that I put together to show the process. 

    • CO2 dissolves carbonate
    • Shell fish, coral and other animals use the carbonate to make their shells (calcium bicarbonate, etc)
    • When they die and fall to the bottom of the ocean, they create enough pressure to convert their mass into limestone.
    • Over time and with geologic activity, the limestone is lifted up above sea level and erodes, putting carbonate back into the soil and water. 


Here is more information about fossil fuels. 



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