Quiz: Process of Science

  • Due Aug 21 at 11:59am
  • Points 8
  • Questions 8
  • Available Aug 10 at 12am - Aug 25 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


After reading this material,  may take this quiz up to three times, keeping your highest score. 

Goals: Understanding Science 

One of the main goals of this course is to learn about the scientific process and apply that to your everyday lives. We will focus on this topic in the lab portion of the class. The first lab and the next couple of Canvas Pages cover:

What is science? 

How does the process of science work? 

A closer look at how evidence is presented

And a short quiz on the topic of science


Process of Science

It's fairly common to have learned a simplified and linear version of the process of science:

Observation--> Hypothesis --> Experimentation ---> Results ----> Conclusion

But in reality science isn't this linear , but is rather an iterative ( repeating) process. In this lecture I will goScience Flow Chart over this process that is represented by the drawing. Our three special projects will each explore one of these aspects of the process.

    • Microgreens Project : emphasizes testing ideas
    • Field Journal : emphasizing exploration and discovery
    • Scientific Claims Assessment: emphasizes community feedback and benefits and outcomes



Here is a video lecture on How Science Works:



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