Quiz Part II Non- Specific Immune Defense

  • Due Oct 16 at 11:59am
  • Points 4
  • Questions 4
  • Available Aug 20 at 12am - Oct 20 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


Now that we have learned the vocabulary and essential characters of the immune system ''drama'', let's delve deeper. There are different ways that the immune system can protect us, and I like the analogy that the image below creates. There are barriers or ''walls'' protecting us and ideally the outermost wall will keep out most of the dangers. But some will get over that wall, and then we'll need another set of defenses.   

We will discuss 2 types of defenses

  1. Non-specific - these are generic and not tailored for specific pathogens. They are always ''ON'' and  include Inflammatory pathway. 
  2. Specific or Adaptive/Acquired - these are ''learned'' defenses and are targeted at specific pathogens. 


Non-Specific Immune Defenses 

In this video, I go over the different types of non-specific defenses that we use. You will want to focus on the following study guide question. 

  1. What are the  intrinsic and general ( non-specific) mechanisms  that protect us from pathogens and toxins? This is referring to mechanisms that we are born with and are always ''ON''.  How does our skin, mucus, ear wax, sweat, tears and microbiome protect us from dangers?



Full transcript of Non-Specific Immune Defense lecture video (Word doc)

In this short video, you can examine the microbiome and how it protects us.  This will help with the last of part of the study guide question about the  microbiome. 



Next take a short quiz to make sure that you are prepared for class. 


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