0.2 Getting to Know You (Attendance Requirement)

  • Due Jan 19 at 11:59pm
  • Points 1
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Throughout this course, I want you to remember that this course and your choice to take this CS course is just one small step in your journey of learning and knowledge in life, but it's a big step. I want to acknowledge that I don't always know exactly what you (my students) are going through or where you are going, but I am so thrilled to be part of your journey. I want to be your support, and I will be reaching out to you if I notice you are disappearing from the class. Please let me know if I can do anything to assist you or if you need assistance beyond the classroom and I can connect you with resources to support you.

Let's Learn About You

Now that I've shared a little about myself, I'm going to be asking you a few things so I can get to know you.

Take this ungraded survey to share a little about yourself and your journey.

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